Students who Struggle in the Mainstream: What their Homework Patterns May Tell You

Aug 2, 2011 by Jacqueline Egli
Do your child’s homework patterns reveal hidden learning deficits? Improving reading fluency can improve student achievement for struggling learners across multiple subjects.

Inspiring Fluency: One School’s Journey to Improve Reading Skills

Jul 21, 2011 by Jacqueline Egli

Reading fluency is one of five core reading skills and plays a key role in reading development. Learn how one school improved reading skills with Reading Assistant software.

Student Reading Improvement Nearly Doubles In Just 24 Days

Jun 28, 2011 by Andrew Ostarello

Student reading improvement nearly doubled for 208 1 stand 2 ndgraders after 24 days using Fast ForWord Reading 1 software from Scientific Learning. Watch our video presentation of the research study.

Forecasting ROI from Fast ForWord® and Reading Assistant™ Products

Jun 21, 2011 by Andrew Ostarello

Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant can reduce high school dropout rate, special education referrals, and ELL services. Get an ROI estimate for your district..

Fast ForWord Featured on ABC 7 News

Jun 17, 2011 by Norene Wiesen
VIDEO: Students at Oakland, CA, Korematsu Discovery Academy who used Fast ForWord products achieved reading test gains of 1.5 years, on average.  Now the school is looking to expand the program to all students.

Limiting Young Children’s Screen Time for Long-Term Health

Jun 1, 2011 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
Limiting screen time is important for your child’s long term health. Learn ways to monitor screen time and enjoy more free time with your child.

Grammar Skill Improvement with Fast ForWord Software

May 19, 2011 by Barbara Calhoun, Ph.D

An experienced educator and doctoral researcher wanted to know if the Fast ForWord products could improve grammar skills for typical middle school students.  See what she found out. 

68% of Students Improve MEPA Proficiency Significantly after Fast ForWord®

May 12, 2011 by Andrew Ostarello

See how 68% of ELL students significantly improved their English proficiency scores on the MEPA with Fast ForWord products.

Sensory-Motor Development and Learning in Children

Apr 28, 2011 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
Sensory-motor development and brain fitness are important in achieving academic success. Learn about programs that build both in this presentation from Cheryl Chia of BrainFit Studio.

Students Exceed State Average on TAKS after Fast ForWord, Maintain Gains

Apr 20, 2011 by Melissa Agocs

This longitudinal study shows substantial student gains maintained by high school students in Texas years after Fast ForWord use.  Watch this video and see the life changing impact Fast ForWord has on students.
