Help Us Congratulate Eddy on His Silver Medal!

Jun 28, 2012 by Chrissie Denniston
Hats off to our pal Eddy! Parents’ Choice has just awarded the Eddy’s Number Party! kindergarten math readiness app a silver medal for its fun and “user-friendly” features.  See the app for yourself!

What Blended Learning Looks Like: Great Teachers and Proven Technology

Jun 21, 2012 by Cory Armes, M.Ed.
Students can accomplish a lot working independently with proven technology, but teachers play a critical role in reinforcing concepts, intervening when students have difficulties, and supporting students in their learning.

Characteristics of Rapidly Improving Schools with Bill Daggett

Jun 19, 2012 by PC Munoz
Contrary to popular opinion, schools in the US are getting better at educating students for the 21st century. Find out what the most rapidly improving schools have in common from Dr. Bill Daggett, CEO of the International Center for Leadership in Education.

Disrupting K-12 Education: Innovating Learning with Michael Horn

Jun 5, 2012 by PC Munoz
The way students learn is ever changing with the constant development of innovative technology. Learn how disruptive innovation is changing 21st century K-12 education.

Free Webinars on Brain Health and the Science of Learning – Register Today!

May 17, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Summary: Join us in June for two live webinars: brain health with Dr. Paul Nussbaum and the science of learning with Dr. Martha S. Burns. Register today – you don’t want to miss these sessions!

Creating a New Culture of Teaching and Learning with Alan November

May 10, 2012 by PC Munoz
Educator Alan November discusses how focusing on information, collaboration, and empathy can create a new culture of learning in the classroom. More>>

No-Cost Education Webinars with Michael Horn and Dr. Virginia Mann – Register Today!

May 3, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Join us for a complimentary webinar! May presenters feature educator and author Michael Horn, and Dr. Virginia Mann, professor of Cognitive Sciences at UC Irvine. Register today!

The Role of the Teacher in Blended Learning: Data, Management, and Student Support

Apr 17, 2012 by Cory Armes, M.Ed.
What does the shift toward blended learning mean for today’s classroom teacher?   One certainty is that relationships between teachers and students are changing.  Learn how to excel in an evolving role.

Google in Education: Digging Deeper with Google Scholar and Google Sites

Mar 8, 2012 by Joseph DuLaney
Are your students taking full advantage of the free tools Google offers? Google Scholar and Google Sites can help with finding credible source materials and presenting material online.

Overall District Performance Score Improves at Almost Double the Rate of LA State Baseline Score

Feb 14, 2012 by Melissa Agocs

[VIDEO]: This research report highlights the St. Mary Parish district performance score improvements after Fast ForWord use. The district’s gains were measured using the Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (LEAP).
