The Reading Brain: How Your Brain Helps You Read, and Why it Matters

Dec 6, 2017 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

The reading ready brainReading is a complex task that requires many parts of the brain. Learn what happens in the brain when you read and what you can do to build a reading-ready brain.

4 Ways to Counteract the Effects of Stress on the Brain

Aug 16, 2016 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

stressBack-to-school can be a stressful time for parents, educators and students alike. But is there "good" stress and "bad" stress?  Find out 4 ways to counteract the effects of stress on learning for any at-risk learner who needs help this year. 

Pay Attention! Why It's Not as Easy as You May Think

Apr 19, 2016 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Test your attentional skills by readingpay attention this article about attention! Find out which types there are, how it can be improved, and whether you can make it through a few paragraphs without thinking about your next vacation. 

Effects of Lead Poisoning on Our Children's Brains

Apr 5, 2016 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Lead poisoning can be a sneaky condition, lead poisoningcoming on gradually and presenting itself like a learning disability. Learn what happens in the brain when it's exposed to lead and what can be done to reverse its ill effects.

5 Myths About Dyslexia

Oct 20, 2015 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

What are 5 common myths surrounding dyslexia?dyslexia facts  Dr. Martha Burns uses recent research to debunk some of the commonly held myths about this misunderstood learning disorder. 

Problems with the Human “Letter Box”: A Component of Dyslexia

Oct 6, 2015 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

It is Dyslexia Awareness Month!dyslexia Have you wondered if dyslexia is a visual or auditory issue? Turns out it's a bit of both.  Dr. Martha Burns explains the latest research on causes of dyslexia and what interventions can help.  

New Research Shows How to Minimize Side Effects of Chemo

Aug 4, 2015 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

What effects does chemotherapy have on learning, memory and attention?  Childhood cancer cure rates are higher than ever but what impact does chemotherapy have on student achievement? Chemotherapy and Fast ForWordFind out more about how you can help children who have undergone chemotherapy treatments and are struggling in school.  

Path Out of Poverty? Education Plus Neuroscience

Jul 14, 2015 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Research has indicated children who are raised in poverty are at a possible disadvantage for academic success.  How can this cycle be broken?  poverty neuroscienceRead more from Dr. Martha Burns on how poverty can affect cognitive functions and what solutions are available to help mitigate its long term effects.

4 New Research Findings About Autism

Apr 21, 2015 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Autism AwarenessWith 1 in 68 children being diagnosed with autism, what are some of the latest research findings on autism?  What are some of the interventions that might be effective in children with autism?  Take a look as Dr. Martha Burns explores 4 new research findings on autism.

Alternatives to Medication in the Treatment of ADD

Mar 24, 2015 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Attentional problems in students have increased over the last few years and these problems can create significant learning challenges for students. What are some alternatives to medication in treating ADD and other attentional problems?  
