Reading and Language Intervention that Develops Better Thinkers, Better Readers, and Better Learners

Struggling Reader Picture

Fast ForWord helps learners with a variety of needs reach their learning potential.

Struggling Readers

Struggling Readers

We help learners reading below grade level quickly catch up to their peers.

Language Learners

English Language Learners

We help English language learners quickly improve their listening, speaking, and reading skills.



We help learners with dyslexia improve language foundations and phonological processing abilities.

Auditory Processing Disorder

Auditory Processing Disorder

We help learners with auditory processing disorders process sounds and language more effectively.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder

We help learners on the autism spectrum develop critical language, processing, and reading skills.

Learning Disabilities

Special Education

We help learners receiving special education services improve the language-based issues preventing rapid growth.