5 Steps to ERASE Discord in Your Home

Nov 29, 2016 by Lynn Gover

5 StepsPeace. Harmony. Children. Do those three words go together in your mind? Build more cooperation (read: less conflict) in your household using these 5 timely tips.  As schedules fill during the holidays, and stressors mount, we can all benefit from remembering the best ways to work with the young people in our lives. 

Underperforming Student Success Strategies

Nov 15, 2016 by Eric Jensen, Ph.D.

eric-jensenWhen students come to school every day, here's their question to teachers: are you on my side or not? Are you a friend or a foe? Are you an ally or adversary?  See what practical classroom activities Dr. Eric Jensen recommends to build relationships and get results with your students -- you'll see their progress skyrocket.