Executive Function - The Foundation for School Readiness

Sep 29, 2015 by Grace Wardhana

What is executive function?  What skills does it include?executive function skills  Learn more from Grace Wardhana, our guest blog author, as she explains executive function skills and why they are important in your younger learners.  She also describes some interventions that you can use with your learners to help them build these critical skills.

13 Questions About The Build English Fast Solution

Sep 15, 2015 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

As you return to school this fall, do you have an increasing number of English language learners (ELL) in your class, school or district?ELLs and Fast ForWord  During our recent webinar, "Build the ELL Brain", Dr. Martha Burns discusses how the ELL brain develops and what interventions can help with English language development.  Take a look at the questions that Dr. Burns fielded at the end of the webinar and see if you can pinpoint students that you can help this year!

10 Tips for a Great Parent-Teacher Connection This Year

Sep 1, 2015 by Lynn Gover

Are you about to meet your child's teacher for the first time?Parent Teacher Conference Do you have a Parent-Teacher conference coming up? Here is a checklist of tips to help you stay in communication with your child's teacher for the upcoming school year.  Use these ideas to get the year started on a good foot.