A College Senior Mailed Us a Letter
Oct 25, 2018Caleb starts out by telling us about the worst semester of his academic career.
Building Listening Skills to Improve Focus and Attention
Aug 30, 2018What is a normal attention span for kids? Learn more about age-appropriate attention spans and how you can help build listening skills and focus in your child!
ADHD vs. APD - Understanding & Managing Your Child’s Condition
Aug 2, 2018ADHD and Auditory Processing Disorder can look similar, but it’s important to understand if your child is dealing with attention or auditory processing issues. Learn more!
When Symptoms Overlap - Differentiating Attention Issues
Jul 11, 2018When a child is struggling with forgetfulness, fidgeting, careless mistakes, and sleep problems, ADHD is often the diagnosis, but there are many medical conditions -- including auditory processing disorder and autism -- that also cause these symptoms. Continue reading to learn more about differentiating attention issues.
ADHD Symptoms by Age [Infographic]
Jun 14, 2018 Is your child showing signs of ADHD? Auditory processing disorder? Or dealing with another attention issue altogether? Check out our infographic on how ADHD may look through the years for more insight on what might be happening for your child.
8 Issues (Other Than ADHD) That Could Be Causing Attention Problems
May 16, 2018When a child is struggling with attention issues, ADHD is a leading concern. While it is a common cause of focus and attention problems, there are a number of other issues that could be hindering a child's ability to concentrate. Continue reading to learn about 8 often overlooked issues that could be causing attention issues in children.
Autism and Brain Plasticity: 2018 Research
Apr 26, 2018Every year, the highly esteemed Dr. Martha Burns reviews the freshest, latest research on autism, then translates it into understandable language for parents and practitioners alike. For Autism Awareness Month, read the top 5 facts we've learned, and 5 implications for treatment.
The Reading Brain: How Your Brain Helps You Read, and Why it Matters
Dec 6, 2017Reading is a complex task that requires many parts of the brain. Learn what happens in the brain when you read and what you can do to build a reading-ready brain.
Too Many Kids with Dyslexia Are Left Behind: Here's Why
Oct 11, 2017Everything necessary to provide learners with dyslexia with an appropriate education is available now, and has been for decades. Even so, too many kids are being left behind. October is dyslexia awareness month, but awareness isn't enough. Why is it taking so long for evidence-based action?
How Fast ForWord Fills In Missing Literacy Skills in Autism: One Mom’s Story
Sep 27, 2017There's no go-to handbook for parents that have a child with special needs or learning differences. But you can learn from others' experiences. Check out this mom's account of how Fast ForWord has helped her son with autism make dramatic language and learning improvements!