Let Them Play! The Best Medicine for Summer Learning

Jun 30, 2015 by Kristina Collins

importance of playWhat are your kids doing for summer vacation?  Are you attempting to find several activities for them to do?  Recent research indicates that unstructured play might be just the thing to help your kids this summer to build essential skills that they will need in the classroom when they return to school in the fall. So read more to learn about unstructured play and why it might be just as important as swimming lessons for your kids this summer.

Parent Checklist: Is My Child At-Risk for Learning Issues?

Jun 2, 2015 by Kristina Collins

parent checklistIs your child at-risk for academic or learning issues? Take a look at this checklist to see if your child struggles in any of these areas.  Summer is the ideal time to help your child get ahead in these areas before next school year!