The Truth About Video Games and the Brain: What Research Tells Us

Feb 9, 2012 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.

Are there beneficial effects of video games? Learn what current research tells us about video games and the brain.

One Short Month, Five Great Education Webinars—Register Today!

Feb 7, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Our February webinar series focuses on early childhood development, K-12 funding sources, and maximizing the benefits of time spent reading. Register today!

In Independent Study of Fast ForWord, Sixth-Grade Students Exceed Expected Gains

Feb 2, 2012 by Melissa Agocs
VIDEO: This independent study from Bulloch County, GA, demonstrates significant gains by sixth graders—on or above, and below grade level—after using Fast ForWord software.

Tomorrow is Digital Learning Day – Don’t Miss It!

Jan 31, 2012 by Cory Armes, M.Ed.
Did you know that February 1 is Digital Learning Day? Learn what the ed tech experts predict regarding digital learning in the upcoming year.

School District Technology: Plan or Blueprint?

Jan 12, 2012 by Joseph DuLaney
Is your district maximizing its technology investments?  Learn how to create a blueprint to ensure that your technology expenditures are helping your district get timely, measurable results.

Six Reader-Selected Posts in Honor of Our 2nd Blogaversary

Jan 5, 2012 by Norene Wiesen
In honor of our 2 ndblogaversary, we asked our readers to share their favorite posts from the Science of Learning blog . Read their responses and check out the posts that inspired them.

Blended Learning Implementation Strategies for the K-12 Classroom

Jan 3, 2012 by Cory Armes, M.Ed.
Learn the benefits of blended learning implementation strategies, as well as how you can implement these blended learning strategies in the K-12 classroom.

Fifth Graders Make Significantly Greater Gains than a Comparison Group Across Multiple Subjects After Fast ForWord

Dec 27, 2011 by Melissa Agocs

VIDEO: After using Fast ForWord for 30 minutes a day, students made significantly greater improvements on a state-aligned computerized adaptive test than students who did not use Fast ForWord.

Bringing Learning to Life in the Classroom: Technology for 21st Century Schools

Dec 22, 2011 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
On the cutting edge in education, 3D immersive technologies are transforming the classroom learning experience.  How do students benefit from 3D tools, and what do they mean for the future?

Using Data Effectively in School Districts: Tips for School Administrators

Dec 20, 2011 by Corey Fitzgerald
The increase of data and data systems in education has give rise to vast amounts of information. Learn how to use data effectively in your school district with these 8 helpful tips.
