Broward County, FL: “Fast ForWord has made me a more confident learner.”

Aug 10, 2010 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
In this video, Broward County School District staff and students share their thoughts about working with Fast ForWord software to build confidence and improve school test scores.

Fast ForWord Review: Nevada Department of Education

Jul 21, 2010 by Melissa Agocs

A Nevada DOE report on SB185 concludes that Fast ForWord products increased student reading achievement by an average of 22.2 percentage points, the largest average impact of all programs reviewed.

The Results of Fast ForWord Use at the Westfield Washington Schools in Indiana

Jul 13, 2010 by Melissa Agocs

MAP results for 98 middle school students who used Fast ForWord products in Westfield, IN, showed, on average, statistically significant gains in their language arts, math, and reading skills.

Teaching Children to Read

Jul 6, 2010 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Teachers today are fortunate to have access to a wealth of scientifically based research into what works when teaching children to read.  Learn what works for different age groups.

Can Scientific Learning Programs Improve School Test Scores?

Jun 2, 2010 by Norene Wiesen

Can Fast ForWord® and Reading Assistant™ products improve school test scores?  Do they help students learn and succeed?  Are they evidence-based?

Announcing Our Spring Webinar Series--Register today!

Apr 27, 2010 by Denise Ruvalcaba

Register for any or all of our Spring brain fitness webinars.  Learn how to help struggling students succeed, get strategies for teaching phonics and fluency, and more!

Child Reading Development and Language Skills Webinar

Apr 8, 2010 by Denise Ruvalcaba

Without a good language background, a child is likely to struggle with reading. Children who are reading below grade level in the first grade are at risk for remaining below grade level in reading ability throughout their school years, and being poor readers as adults.
