Dyslexia Legislation is on the Rise. But Why?

Oct 23, 2014 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

dyslexia legislationIn the past few years, more than a dozen states have passed or proposed new laws to raise awareness about dyslexia through increased screening, intervention programs, and teacher training. What’s behind the surge in legislation?

Meet the 1st Queen of Literacy, Dr. Linda Nash!

Oct 21, 2014 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

Dr. Linda NashDr. Linda Nash, Supervisor of Federal Programs/Grants in Cookeville, TN, has been crowned our first Queen of Literacy. She received 24% of all the votes cast (5,472!) and has won an all-expense paid trip to our National Circle of Learning Conference (virtual registration now open)! I caught up with Dr. Nash by phone to learn more about her life as an educator.

Congratulations to the 2014 Champions of Literacy!

Sep 29, 2014 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

Scientific Learning is pleased to announce a select group of educators nominated for this year’s Champions of Literacy award. We recognize these educators, selected from across the U.S., for their commitment on behalf of students, parents, and colleagues. 

10 Questions to Ask Your Child’s Teacher This Year (Don’t Forget Cognitive Skills!)

Sep 2, 2014 by Norene Wiesen

It’s back to school…again! Your child is getting to know a new teacher and facing a host of new expectations. How can you be sure that you are prepared to help your child get the most from this school year? Getting the answers to these questions can help.

Dyslexia – How Far We’ve Come!

Aug 5, 2014 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

DyslexiaWe’ve come a long way in understanding dyslexia since the term was first used more than 40 years ago. Find out what the latest research says about the dyslexic brain and learn about neuroscience-based interventions that are proven to help.

Debunking Anecdotes – One Parent’s Journey Through a Maze of Misconceptions About Learning Disabilities

Jul 22, 2014 by Joanne Gouaux

Debunking anecdotes about learning disabilities"If you read to them, they will read." That statement, along with a few other common misconceptions about learning disabilities, kept one parent from finding the help her son needed to achieve academic success.

Latin and Greek Morphemes Build Vocabulary

Apr 29, 2014 by Timothy Rasinski, Ph.D

Phonics teachers know that knowledge of word families can help students sound out many words such as tall, call, calling, west, crest, tallest, etc. It’s much the same with Latin and Greek morphemes, which not only provide clues to the pronunciation of words, but also help students determine the meaning of words.

Teach More Vocabulary, Faster, Using the Power of Morphology

Mar 4, 2014 by Norene Wiesen

You can teach your students 10 vocabulary words the usual way – one at a time – or you can teach them 100 vocabulary words with little extra effort. The second approach seems like the obvious choice, and in Dr. Tim Rasinski’s recent webinar, Comprehension – Going Beyond Fluency, he makes the case for greater adoption of the accelerated approach.

Summer Learning Programs, ELLs and the Achievement Gap

Feb 25, 2014 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP
Educators are faced with responsibility and pressure like never before, so it’s no wonder that summer learning loss doesn’t often get the attention it deserves. But if every district offered a quality summer learning program to disadvantaged learners, some of those pressures might begin to let up. Here’s why.

Right vs. Left Brained + Autism, APD, ADHD Neuroscience and More

Feb 4, 2014 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

Our annual Visionary Conference for clinical providers takes place February 21-22, and like last year, the conference is open to anyone interested in attending. Get all the info on speakers and sessions here!
