Poverty's Effect on Working Memory

May 3, 2016 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

PovertySometimes it's easy to think a child isn't paying attention because they're being defiant, or dare we say it - "lazy"? This is usually not the case, especially for children from poverty, and it behooves us to understand better what's happening in their brains. Read Dr. Eric Jensen's poignant and timely messages about how to help students from poverty build the skillls that will break the cycle of underachievement. 

10 Trends in Education for 2016

Jan 12, 2016 by Cory Armes, M.Ed.

2016 is here already!  Trends in educationLearn how advances in neuroscience, social psychology, and technology combine to reshape the educational landscape in our predictions for trends in general and special education.

Executive Function - The Foundation for School Readiness

Sep 29, 2015 by Grace Wardhana

What is executive function?  What skills does it include?executive function skills  Learn more from Grace Wardhana, our guest blog author, as she explains executive function skills and why they are important in your younger learners.  She also describes some interventions that you can use with your learners to help them build these critical skills.

10 Tips for a Great Parent-Teacher Connection This Year

Sep 1, 2015 by Lynn Gover

Are you about to meet your child's teacher for the first time?Parent Teacher Conference Do you have a Parent-Teacher conference coming up? Here is a checklist of tips to help you stay in communication with your child's teacher for the upcoming school year.  Use these ideas to get the year started on a good foot.

Brain Science and Reading Instruction

Aug 14, 2015 by Timothy Rasinski, Ph.D. and Martha S. Burns, Ph.D.

What are the major advances in effective reading instruction?Reading Achievement How can we use our understanding of how the brain works to help us conceptualize, implement, and monitor reading instruction?

New Research Shows How to Minimize Side Effects of Chemo

Aug 4, 2015 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

What effects does chemotherapy have on learning, memory and attention?  Childhood cancer cure rates are higher than ever but what impact does chemotherapy have on student achievement? Chemotherapy and Fast ForWordFind out more about how you can help children who have undergone chemotherapy treatments and are struggling in school.  

Path Out of Poverty? Education Plus Neuroscience

Jul 14, 2015 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Research has indicated children who are raised in poverty are at a possible disadvantage for academic success.  How can this cycle be broken?  poverty neuroscienceRead more from Dr. Martha Burns on how poverty can affect cognitive functions and what solutions are available to help mitigate its long term effects.

The Case Against Timed Readings

Mar 3, 2015 by Timothy Rasinski, Ph.D

What is automaticity in reading and why is it important? Is reading quickly a sign of reading fluency and comprehension?  Dr. Timothy Rasinski explains the importance of automaticity and speed in reading fluency and comprehension.

Nearly 20 Years Later, What Have We Learned From Hart and Risley?

Feb 3, 2015 by Norene Wiesen

Early language experienceIn 1995, research by Betty Hart and Todd R. Risley revealed how differences in early language experience fuel the achievement gap in our nation’s schools. It’s been almost two decades, so why haven’t we made more progress?  We interviewed Dr. Steve Miller to find out.

The Role of Literacy in Deeper Learning

Dec 9, 2014 by Norene Wiesen

Deeper LearningStudents with stronger literacy skills will be better able to self-direct, relying less on their teachers and more on the resources available to them. This autonomy is especially important in Deeper Learning.
