4 Little-Known Facts about Poverty and the Brain (And What Educators Can Do about Them)
Sep 18, 2019Many educators at Title 1 schools are increasingly implementing brain-based teaching and learning. What do Title 1 educators need to know about the impact of poverty on the brain? More importantly, how should school leaders apply brain-based learning to teaching? Keep reading to learn 4 little-known facts about poverty and the brain, plus 3 specific strategies educators can use in their Title 1 schools.
6 Things Educators Need to Know about the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Aug 29, 2019What does ESSA mean for educators in 2019-2020? As the new school year begins, educators may be wondering what the second year of implementing the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) will look like for their schools. Keep reading to learn 6 ways that ESSA can change education in America.
"My Life Is Forever Changed"
Aug 15, 2019We love when this happens. The other week, we received a lovely email from a Fast ForWord alum. A young woman named Rachel Weishar told us, "I know my life has been forever changed by this wonderful company." Read her full letter below!
Differentiation: Achieving Success in a Mixed-Ability Classroom
Jul 11, 2019 Today’s classrooms are increasingly diverse. How can educators reach every student in the class? One word: Differentiation. Read about 4 ways teachers can meet the needs of a mixed-abilities classroom.
Inspiring Students to Read This Summer
May 22, 2019The end of the school year is approaching, and students are looking forward to vacation. Educators are ready for a break, too, but are also thinking about students losing momentum during summer. How can we encourage kids to continue to read and learn, when we know that some setbacks are statistically probable?
2019 Education Trends
Jan 24, 20192019 is here already! Let's take a look at what might be in store in education for the year ahead. What are the trends to be watching as we move through 2019?
A College Senior Mailed Us a Letter
Oct 25, 2018Caleb starts out by telling us about the worst semester of his academic career.
Our Top Four Webinars: Summer Learning
Jun 28, 2018 Interested in summer Professional Development? Take a look at our most popular webinars from the last year. Enjoy listening/watching them from anywhere and learn the latest on how the brain learns, reading, dyslexia, autism, and more!
Why I've Supported Fast ForWord for 20+ Years
Nov 1, 2017When students read poorly, they often generalize it to other subjects (“Maybe I am just dumb”) and most things in school can become overwhelming. That’s painful to watch. How would you like to have joyful, confident readers? How would you like this for free - zilch, nada, zippo?
We Asked the Fast ForWord Experts About Back to School
Aug 23, 2017We asked our implementation experts (also known as Professional Development Managers) about what they see in classrooms across the country, how you all are motivating your kiddos, and their top piece of advice for you this year. I was most excited about the story at the end!