How to Support Social Development in Young Children

Mar 29, 2012 by Corey Fitzgerald
A child’s social skills are a compelling predictor of future success, both in and out of school. Learn how you can support social development in young children with these easy to implement tips.

Keeping in Mind: The Task of Working Memory

Mar 27, 2012 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
Working memory – we use it when we recall our grocery list and when we retell a story. But did you know it’s also essential for language learning and reading a book chapter from beginning to end? Read more>>

5 Strategies for Fluency and Comprehension That Every Reader Can Use

Mar 22, 2012 by Wendy Mathieu

Students should be able to engage in a variety of different texts to be considered fluent and competent readers. These fluency and comprehension strategies will give students an edge in approaching any kind of text.

5 Reasons Why Every Parent Should Be Familiar with Executive Function

Mar 20, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
It’s not a common topic, but executive function is something that parents should understand.  The term refers to working memory, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, etc.—skills and qualities that help people succeed in everyday life.

The Curious Mind: Interest, Drive, and the Road to Academic Success

Mar 13, 2012 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Traditionally, good grades and high achievement test scores have been given great weight in predicting a student’s future success.  But new research shows that the role curiosity plays in learning and life is not to be underestimated.  Read more>>

Google in Education: Digging Deeper with Google Scholar and Google Sites

Mar 8, 2012 by Joseph DuLaney
Are your students taking full advantage of the free tools Google offers? Google Scholar and Google Sites can help with finding credible source materials and presenting material online.

Why You Should Read With Your Child

Mar 6, 2012 by Virginia Mann, Ph.D

You probably already know that you should read to your children, but do you know why? Here are three important reasons to not only read aloud with your child, but also to make it a shared activity.

Oh, What A Day! 4 Fantastic Ways to Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ Birthday

Mar 1, 2012 by Josefina Rodriguez

Did you know that March 2nd is Dr. Seuss’ birthday and Read Across America Day? Help to inspire a nation of young readers by participating in these fun-filled activities.

5 Reasons Why Your Students Should Write Every Day

Feb 23, 2012 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.

Did you know that writing helps students remember recently learned material? Learn about a variety of ways that having students writing every day can help both students and teachers in the classroom.

The Mirror Neuron System

Feb 21, 2012 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
Did you know that there’s a part of the brain devoted to “doing” that starts wiring itself early in development through imitation of the movements and sounds of others? Find out how it works, and the role it plays in early learning.
