Using Stories to Teach: How Narrative Structure Helps Students Learn

Jun 14, 2012 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.

Stories are fun to listen to, but did you know they also help students learn?  The human brain has a natural affinity for narrative structure, using the elements of story to organize information.  Should you hone your storytelling skills?

Girl Brains and Boy Brains: What Educators and Parents Need to Know

Jun 12, 2012 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
How different are the brains of boys and girls? What do educators and parents need to know about gender and the brain, and how can we best help students learn?

So You Think You Know Something About the Brain?

Jun 7, 2012 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
It’s a sad fact that educators seeking knowledge of how the brain learns may not have access to reliable information.  Have you sorted fact from fiction?  Take this test and find out.

Disrupting K-12 Education: Innovating Learning with Michael Horn

Jun 5, 2012 by PC Munoz
The way students learn is ever changing with the constant development of innovative technology. Learn how disruptive innovation is changing 21st century K-12 education.

Stress and the Human Brain

May 31, 2012 by Paul Nussbaum
Why is it harder to learn and remember things when we’re stressed?  Discover the brain physiology of stress, and find out how to calm your brain for better cognitive functioning.

Preventing Summer Brain Drain with Dr. Martha S. Burns

May 29, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

The stronger the pathways in the brain, the easier it becomes for a child to learn and retain information. How will your child stay sharp over the summer?

18 Ways to Encourage Students to Read This Summer

May 24, 2012 by Norene Wiesen

It can be hard enough to get students to read within the structure of the academic year, so how can you encourage your students to read during the summer break?

How to Rekindle the Love of Learning

May 22, 2012 by Corey Fitzgerald
Research demonstrates that, in the US, the motivation to learn declines steadily from third through ninth grade. How can parents and educators help young people rekindle the love of learning?

Free Webinars on Brain Health and the Science of Learning – Register Today!

May 17, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Summary: Join us in June for two live webinars: brain health with Dr. Paul Nussbaum and the science of learning with Dr. Martha S. Burns. Register today – you don’t want to miss these sessions!

Creating a New Culture of Teaching and Learning with Alan November

May 10, 2012 by PC Munoz
Educator Alan November discusses how focusing on information, collaboration, and empathy can create a new culture of learning in the classroom. More>>
