Summer Learning Programs, ELLs and the Achievement Gap

Feb 25, 2014 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP
Educators are faced with responsibility and pressure like never before, so it’s no wonder that summer learning loss doesn’t often get the attention it deserves. But if every district offered a quality summer learning program to disadvantaged learners, some of those pressures might begin to let up. Here’s why.

Remediation vs. Accommodation: Helping Students with Learning Disabilities Succeed

Jan 28, 2014 by Norene Wiesen

Meeting the needs of students with learning disabilities can be a challenge. Students newly identified with a learning disability are likely to need immediate accommodation. But for maximum long-term benefit, educators need to address the learning difficulty at its core. How do we strike the right balance between remediation and accommodation?

The Neglected (But Necessary) Goal of Your Reading Program

Oct 22, 2013 by Norene Wiesen
How is fluency the necessary bridge between word recognition and comprehension, and how do we get students there?  Learn more from reading and fluency expert, Dr. Timothy Rasinski, as he shares more on the link between fluency and comprehension.

Building Better Writers (Without Picking Up a Pen)

Oct 15, 2013 by Beth Rogowsky, Ed.D

All too often, teachers give little attention to the cognitive skills of writing. That’s a shame, because cognitive skills are the building blocks upon which writing depends.

Reading Fluency Infographic: Countdown to Comprehension

Oct 1, 2013 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Research shows that reading fluency is the key to building solid comprehension. How can you help your students become more fluent?

Overcoming Language and Reading Problems: The Promise of Brain Plasticity

Sep 11, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Find out how children around the world are rewiring their brains to overcome 'insurmountable' language and reading problems.

Exclusive Webinars with Experts on the Brain and Reading

Aug 13, 2013 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
It’s time once again for our Fall Webinar Series! Join us for all three webinars, discover the latest about the science of learning, and find out what you can do to help your most struggling learners succeed.

How to Help Your Young Child Build Literacy

Jul 30, 2013 by Beth Connelly, MS CCC-SLP

During the early years, the brain prepares for learning through language development. Help young children build language skills with these simple and fun activities.

Study: Fast ForWord Improves Writing in College Students

Jul 23, 2013 by Joseph Noble, Ph.D

Have you wondered what the effect of the Fast ForWord program is on older students, or how it develops other skills besides reading?
