Truth in Numbers: School Achieves Statistically Significant Improvements on TAKS

Mar 3, 2011 by Logan De Ley

Students made significant reading proficiency gains after implementing Reading Assistant software, suggesting that guided oral reading practice with Reading Assistant had a dramatic impact on reading achievement.

Indispensible Automaticity: How Reading Frees the Mind to Learn

Feb 22, 2011 by Terri Zezula

Automaticity in reading is the ability read without consciously thinking about it. Find out why automaticity is the foundation for student learning success.

Test Scores Exceed State Average in 4 Subject Areas After Fast ForWord

Feb 15, 2011 by Andrew Ostarello

Student test scores from St. Mary Parish School District have steadily increased after Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant implementation, surpassing the state average score on the LEAP.

Intensive Intervention Tier 3: What leads to the need?

Jan 20, 2011 by Terri Zezula
Is it really a learning disability or just trouble reading?  Bring struggling readers back into the mainstream and free up tier 3 interventions for students who truly need them.

5 Insights from our Recent Brain Fitness Webinars

Jan 6, 2011 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Five memorable insights from our 2010 Brain Fitness Webinars series, addressing  the brain, reading, and student learning in today’s world.

Kindergarten Phonemic Awareness Activities - Develop Phonemic Awareness Skills

Nov 30, 2010 by Norene Wiesen

Try these Kindergarten phonemic awareness activities to help young children develop early reading skills.

Phonics Practice - National Reading Panel Approaches to Phonics Practice

Nov 23, 2010 by Terri Zezula
Phonics practice and instruction has been proven the most effective reading instruction for K-6 learners.  There are 5 different approaches that can be used with students.

Creating Reading Intention to Improve Reading Comprehension Skills in Students

Oct 26, 2010 by Terri Zezula

Improve reading comprehension skills in students by priming your reader’s brain. Discover reading comprehension strategies that allow your reader to experience a text with intent.

Teaching and Learning with Intent through Guided Reading Activities

Sep 7, 2010 by Terri Zezula
Guided reading activities offer wonderful structures for bringing students and their teachers together, and engaging both in the teaching and learning process.

Over 45% Relative Improvement in Students Reaching Proficiency

Aug 18, 2010 by Melissa Agocs

In four years, the percent of fourth graders in the district performing at or above Basic on the initial LEAP ELA test increased impressively from 53% to 78%, starting out far below the state average and then exceeding it.
