4 Little-Known Facts about Poverty and the Brain (And What Educators Can Do about Them)

Sep 18, 2019 by Amy Takabori

Poverty and The BrainMany educators at Title 1 schools are increasingly implementing brain-based teaching and learning. What do Title 1 educators need to know about the impact of poverty on the brain? More importantly, how should school leaders apply brain-based learning to teaching? Keep reading to learn 4 little-known facts about poverty and the brain, plus 3 specific strategies educators can use in their Title 1 schools.

2019 Education Trends

Jan 24, 2019 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

2019 Education Trends2019 is here already!  Let's take a look at what might be in store in education for the year ahead.  What are the trends to be watching as we move through 2019?  

The Reading Brain: How Your Brain Helps You Read, and Why it Matters

Dec 6, 2017 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

The reading ready brainReading is a complex task that requires many parts of the brain. Learn what happens in the brain when you read and what you can do to build a reading-ready brain.

Why Silent Reading Doesn’t Work for Struggling Readers

Aug 9, 2017 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

Guided oral readingConsider what's happening during silent reading time in your classroom, when readers below-grade-level are silently looking at a book. They may appear to be benefiting from this, but the National Reading Panel's research shows otherwise. If silent reading doesn't work, what does? Check out the 5 recommendations here.

Why Prosody Matters: The Importance of Reading Aloud with Expression

Jun 13, 2017 by Logan De Ley

Reading prosodyReading aloud isn’t just for beginning readers.  Expressive oral reading is a foundational reading skill that all students should be developing between first and fifth grade.  Find out why.  

Nearly 20 Years Later, What Have We Learned From Hart and Risley?

Feb 3, 2015 by Norene Wiesen

Early language experienceIn 1995, research by Betty Hart and Todd R. Risley revealed how differences in early language experience fuel the achievement gap in our nation’s schools. It’s been almost two decades, so why haven’t we made more progress?  We interviewed Dr. Steve Miller to find out.

Reading to Learn: Do We Expect Too Much of Fourth Graders?

Nov 10, 2014 by Norene Wiesen

Reading to LearnA new study out of Dartmouth University shows that the 4th grade “shift” from learning to read to reading to learn isn’t as clear cut as educators have thought. What does the study reveal about reading development and what does it mean for teachers?

Dyslexia Legislation is on the Rise. But Why?

Oct 23, 2014 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

dyslexia legislationIn the past few years, more than a dozen states have passed or proposed new laws to raise awareness about dyslexia through increased screening, intervention programs, and teacher training. What’s behind the surge in legislation?

Congratulations to the 2014 Champions of Literacy!

Sep 29, 2014 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

Scientific Learning is pleased to announce a select group of educators nominated for this year’s Champions of Literacy award. We recognize these educators, selected from across the U.S., for their commitment on behalf of students, parents, and colleagues. 

Inside the Brain of a Struggling Reader [Infographic]

Sep 16, 2014 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

When a child struggles to read, we look to factors such as socioeconomic status or access to books. But brain differences are also part of the equation and should not be overlooked.
