The Neuroplasticity Revolution With Dr. Norman Doidge

Oct 8, 2013 by Norene Wiesen

Norman Doidge, M.D., discusses why the concept of brain plasticity—the brain’s ability to grow and change in structure and function in response to experience—is “the most important change in our understanding of the brain in 400 years.”

As Classrooms Become More Diverse, How Do We Help All Students Grow?

Aug 27, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

The pressure on educators to meet state guidelines and community expectations is mounting. Find out how breakthrough interventions can help diverse student populations succeed.

Exclusive Webinars with Experts on the Brain and Reading

Aug 13, 2013 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
It’s time once again for our Fall Webinar Series! Join us for all three webinars, discover the latest about the science of learning, and find out what you can do to help your most struggling learners succeed.

Study: Fast ForWord Improves Writing in College Students

Jul 23, 2013 by Joseph Noble, Ph.D

Have you wondered what the effect of the Fast ForWord program is on older students, or how it develops other skills besides reading?

Language-Based Learning Disabilities and Auditory Processing Disorders

Jun 18, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

New research centering on the electrical brain signals picked up by EEG is clarifying the relationship between auditory processing and language learning.

Auditory Processing Skills and Reading Disorders in Children

May 14, 2013 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

It’s not exactly news that there’s a relationship between auditory processing and reading disorders, but mounting evidence points to a “highly significant” correlation.

Response to Intervention and Special Ed Stats: Progress Report

May 7, 2013 by Norene Wiesen
Very few learners who enter special ed ever exit—only about 3%. The Response to Intervention model seeks to change that statistic. How has it performed so far?

Dyslexia, Auditory Processing Disorder, and the Road to College: Maria’s Story

Apr 9, 2013 by Cory Armes, M.Ed.

What happens when a mother realizes that her dreams for her child may be shattered because that child struggles with auditory processing issues, dyslexia, or other challenges never imagined?

Adolescent Learning: Why Reading Interventions Aren't Working

Feb 26, 2013 by Cara Gipson
Adolescents have flatlined in reading in the US, while younger learners have improved. Find out what can be done in this recorded webinar with Dr. Martha Burns.

Selective Hearing: How Your Brain Extracts Meaning from the Noise

Nov 27, 2012 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
How can selective hearing help your students in the classroom?  New research indicates that selective hearing can help us focus on one voice in the sea of other noises and how we can benefit from this.
