Gifted and Talented Students Demonstrate Improved Reading Achievement after Using Fast ForWord Products
Oct 8, 2010A study at St. Mary Parish Public School System, LA, in 2009-2010 found that reading achievement increased for gifted and talented students who used Fast ForWord products.
Early Learning Success Leads to a Leg Up in Life
Oct 7, 2010Register Today for our Fall Webinar Series!
Sep 16, 201040% of Non-Proficient Students Reach Reading Proficiency in One Year with Fast ForWord
Sep 14, 2010Students were selected from grades one through eight to participate in this longitudinal study on the effects of using the Fast ForWord Reading software in Clarke County School District in Georgia. It was determined that 40% of the non-proficient students reached CRCT reading proficiency in one year with the use of the Fast ForWord Reading software.
Teaching and Learning with Intent through Guided Reading Activities
Sep 7, 201079% of ELL Students Increase Proficiency by One or More Levels
Sep 2, 201079% of ELL students who used the Fast ForWord products increased their proficiency by one or more levels in less than 4 months of product use.
One Half Year Increase in One Month with Reading Assistant
Aug 25, 2010In a one-month intensive summer school program in 2009, students in Marion County Schools in West Virginia worked on the Reading Assistant program and saw growth of 68 points on the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI), more than half the expected yearly gain of 100 to 120 points.
Over 45% Relative Improvement in Students Reaching Proficiency
Aug 18, 2010In four years, the percent of fourth graders in the district performing at or above Basic on the initial LEAP ELA test increased impressively from 53% to 78%, starting out far below the state average and then exceeding it.
Fast ForWord Review: Nevada Department of Education
Jul 21, 2010A Nevada DOE report on SB185 concludes that Fast ForWord products increased student reading achievement by an average of 22.2 percentage points, the largest average impact of all programs reviewed.
The Results of Fast ForWord Use at the Westfield Washington Schools in Indiana
Jul 13, 2010MAP results for 98 middle school students who used Fast ForWord products in Westfield, IN, showed, on average, statistically significant gains in their language arts, math, and reading skills.