Dyslexia – How Far We’ve Come!

Aug 5, 2014 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

DyslexiaWe’ve come a long way in understanding dyslexia since the term was first used more than 40 years ago. Find out what the latest research says about the dyslexic brain and learn about neuroscience-based interventions that are proven to help.

How to Tell When Neuroscience-Based Programs are Well-Developed

Mar 25, 2014 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Many technology programs claim to improve brain function, including memory and attention skills. How can you get through all the hype and determine which brain exercises incorporate the important design features that have been shown to be effective?



Child Development Versus Standards-Driven Learning: Who Wins?

Dec 3, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
There’s a tug of war going on in American schools, a tension between learners’ developmental needs and the academic rigor required to meet challenging educational standards. In the classroom, where standardized assessments are the driving force of the day, the developmental realities of learners are often overlooked and shortchanged—and it’s something we ought to be talking about.

Auditory Processing Disorder Interventions: How Do They Work?

Nov 5, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Auditory processing disorders can be traced to specific regions of the brain, especially regions of the brainstem. Find out how targeted auditory processing disorder interventions result in better listening skills and improved brainstem response to speech.

Why Auditory Processing Disorders Are Hard to Spot

Oct 29, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Your most struggling student just isn’t listening – again. But could there be more to it? Auditory processing disorders can look a lot like inattention, and it’s not easy to tell the difference. Why is it so hard to figure out what’s going on?

Overcoming Language and Reading Problems: The Promise of Brain Plasticity

Sep 11, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Find out how children around the world are rewiring their brains to overcome 'insurmountable' language and reading problems.

As Classrooms Become More Diverse, How Do We Help All Students Grow?

Aug 27, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

The pressure on educators to meet state guidelines and community expectations is mounting. Find out how breakthrough interventions can help diverse student populations succeed.

Language-Based Learning Disabilities and Auditory Processing Disorders

Jun 18, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

New research centering on the electrical brain signals picked up by EEG is clarifying the relationship between auditory processing and language learning.

The Parent Trap: Getting Your Struggling Learner to Do Homework Independently

Apr 30, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
We want our children to be independent learners, but getting them there can be difficult. These tips can help.

Learning How to Learn

Jan 15, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
What are some  strategies teachers can use related to the Common Core State Standards that ensure students learn how to learn? Read more as Dr. Martha Burns shares her story about the 3 rdgrade teacher that changed her life forever.
