5 Paths To Brain Health: Tips From Dr. Paul Nussbaum

Jul 5, 2011 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

These brain health tips from clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Paul Nussbaum can help you keep your brain fit and healthy throughout your lifetime.

How Learning and Literacy Enhance Our Brains

Jun 30, 2011 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Learning to read pays lifelong dividends, and when educators understand how literacy enhances the brain, they can make more informed instructional decisions. Learn more...

Student Reading Improvement Nearly Doubles In Just 24 Days

Jun 28, 2011 by Andrew Ostarello

Student reading improvement nearly doubled for 208 1 stand 2 ndgraders after 24 days using Fast ForWord Reading 1 software from Scientific Learning. Watch our video presentation of the research study.

Dyscalculia: What to Do When Your Child is “Number Blind”

Jun 23, 2011 by Cory Armes, M.Ed.

What is dyscalculia? Learn the signs of “number blindness” and discover the steps you can take to help your child achieve academic success.

Forecasting ROI from Fast ForWord® and Reading Assistant™ Products

Jun 21, 2011 by Andrew Ostarello

Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant can reduce high school dropout rate, special education referrals, and ELL services. Get an ROI estimate for your district..

Fast ForWord Featured on ABC 7 News

Jun 17, 2011 by Norene Wiesen
VIDEO: Students at Oakland, CA, Korematsu Discovery Academy who used Fast ForWord products achieved reading test gains of 1.5 years, on average.  Now the school is looking to expand the program to all students.

Tapping the Source: Finding and Using the Innate Student Passion for Learning

Jun 16, 2011 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
Looking for a way to harness innate student passion to create an optimal learning experience? Try these tips from thought-leader Mark Prensky!

Individualizing Instruction Through Understanding Different Types of Learners

Jun 14, 2011 by Terri Zezula
Can individualized instruction for different types of learners improve a student’s learning experience in the classroom?

The Magical Combination of Love and Limits: Tips for Teaching Positive Behavior

Jun 9, 2011 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
Teaching positive behavior to toddlers is not always an easy task, but these tips demonstrate how you can turn negative behaviors into a positive learning experience.

The Essential Nature of Developing Oral Reading Fluency

Jun 7, 2011 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Current research shows oral reading fluency is a strong predictor of reading comprehension skills. Learn how  to develop and improve oral reading fluency with these fun activities.
