The Dropout Crisis: Key Messages From The Trenches

Apr 26, 2012 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
There are many factors that contribute to the high school dropout crisis. From the influence of friends to a narrow perception of “success”, Michael Krasny, host of a locally produced public radio talk show, discusses the complexities surrounding this national issue.

Students who Struggle in the Mainstream: What their Homework Patterns May Tell You

Aug 2, 2011 by Jacqueline Egli
Do your child’s homework patterns reveal hidden learning deficits? Improving reading fluency can improve student achievement for struggling learners across multiple subjects.

Reading in the Real World: Text Difficulty and Workplace Success

Jul 26, 2011 by Corey Fitzgerald
Are high school reading standards challenging enough? Not if we go by this Lexile scores chart that shows a significant gap between high school reading levels and college and workplace reading demands.

Jolene’s Story: “I Saw Tremendous Change”

Jul 19, 2011 by Norene Wiesen
VIDEO: Scientific Learning Progress Monitor Jolene tells how Fast ForWord Language v2 helped her twin boys read at grade level after falling a year-and-a-half behind.

Dyscalculia: What to Do When Your Child is “Number Blind”

Jun 23, 2011 by Cory Armes, M.Ed.

What is dyscalculia? Learn the signs of “number blindness” and discover the steps you can take to help your child achieve academic success.

Join Dr. Martha Burns and Sherrelle Walker for a Virtual Brain Fitness Seminar

Feb 24, 2011 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Virtual Brain Fitness Seminars are online sessions focused on helping schools close the achievement gap. Join Dr. Martha Burns and Sherrelle Walker for a complimentary session!

Indispensible Automaticity: How Reading Frees the Mind to Learn

Feb 22, 2011 by Terri Zezula

Automaticity in reading is the ability read without consciously thinking about it. Find out why automaticity is the foundation for student learning success.

Intensive Intervention Tier 3: What leads to the need?

Jan 20, 2011 by Terri Zezula
Is it really a learning disability or just trouble reading?  Bring struggling readers back into the mainstream and free up tier 3 interventions for students who truly need them.

Why Do Boys Fail?

Jan 11, 2011 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Why indeed.  Looking at the issue of gender in education should inspire us to improve teaching and our educational systems for all students.

Learning Difficulties in Children

Dec 28, 2010 by Terri Zezula

Children with learning difficulties may experience years of frustration and loneliness before they find a positive path forward.  Here are some ways you can help.
