Using Fiction Writing Activities to Develop Creative Thinking in the Classroom

Sep 29, 2011 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
Are your students gifted creative thinkers?  Get practical tips for using fiction writing in the classroom to break habitual thought patterns and develop students’ creativity.

Connecting the Dots Between Infant Temperament and Future Success

Aug 18, 2011 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

 Infant temperament has long been thought of as innate, but could some aspects be environmental? Read more from Dr. Martha Burns.

The Need for Physically Active Learning

Jul 7, 2011 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
Have you heard of “physically active learning”?  Find out how this new model integrating physical activity into classroom lessons can improve cognitive skills.

5 Paths To Brain Health: Tips From Dr. Paul Nussbaum

Jul 5, 2011 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

These brain health tips from clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Paul Nussbaum can help you keep your brain fit and healthy throughout your lifetime.

The Magical Combination of Love and Limits: Tips for Teaching Positive Behavior

Jun 9, 2011 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
Teaching positive behavior to toddlers is not always an easy task, but these tips demonstrate how you can turn negative behaviors into a positive learning experience.

Limiting Young Children’s Screen Time for Long-Term Health

Jun 1, 2011 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
Limiting screen time is important for your child’s long term health. Learn ways to monitor screen time and enjoy more free time with your child.

Antidotes to Summer Brain Drain (Part 2): 5 Ways to Pull the Plug on Learning Loss

May 5, 2011 by Norene Wiesen

Worried about summer brain drain? Here are 5 ways to keep your child on track AND enjoy the summer.

Antidotes to Summer Brain Drain (Part 1): Tips and Tools for Fun Math Skills Practice

Apr 5, 2011 by Terri Zezula
Worried about summer brain drain setting your child back? These tips and strategies are fun and creative ways to practice math skills, keeping your kids on track for next year.

3 Fun Brain Activities for Kids

Mar 17, 2011 by Josefina Rodriguez
Brain activities are a great way to get kids interested in learning. Read today’s post for fun brain activities that are sure to engage and enlighten kids about the brain.

What Every Parent Should Know About Their Baby’s Developing Brain (Part 2)

Oct 28, 2010 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
The stimulation in the world around the infant sets up the experiences that the brain uses to wire itself for later learning.  How can parents help babies prepare for the “listening” demands of school?
