Differentiation: Achieving Success in a Mixed-Ability Classroom
Jul 11, 2019 Today’s classrooms are increasingly diverse. How can educators reach every student in the class? One word: Differentiation. Read about 4 ways teachers can meet the needs of a mixed-abilities classroom.
Building a Foundation for School Readiness for Low-Income Children
Jan 17, 2019School readiness skills begin in early childhood. When parents work extra hours or come home too tired to read or play, children may not receive enough attention to develop the cognitive skills needed for school success.
5 Tips for Parents of Struggling Readers [Summer Edition!]
May 30, 2017
It has many names: "the summer slide" or "the summer brain drain." But no matter what you call it, summer learning loss is a major issue. In this blog, you'll get 5 tips for how to help your struggling reader actually make learning gains over the summer. Check it out!
Let Them Play! The Best Medicine for Summer Learning
Jun 30, 2015What are your kids doing for summer vacation? Are you attempting to find several activities for them to do? Recent research indicates that unstructured play might be just the thing to help your kids this summer to build essential skills that they will need in the classroom when they return to school in the fall. So read more to learn about unstructured play and why it might be just as important as swimming lessons for your kids this summer.
Happy Holidays from Scientific Learning Corporation!
Dec 23, 2014Happy Holidays from everyone at Scientific Learning! We hope your holidays will be filled with joy and laughter through the New Year.
Top 10 Tips for Working With ELL Students
May 13, 2014How can you help your ELL students participate more fully in the classroom so they can achieve to the best of their ability? Try these 10 tips for supporting English learners in improving their language skills and subject knowledge.
How to Re-Wire your Burned-Out Brain
Oct 16, 2012Demystifying Executive Functions in Preschool Children
Oct 9, 2012In a recent webinar, Dr. William Jenkins, a leader in the field of childhood brain development and one of the founders of Scientific Learning, presented on the importance of executive functions in the development of preschool students.
Help Us Congratulate Eddy on His Silver Medal!
Jun 28, 2012The Motor-Cognitive Connection: Early Fine Motor Skills as an Indicator of Future Success
Apr 19, 2012We generally don’t consider motor skills development in babies to be an essential element of cognitive development. But is such thinking holding learners and educators back?