Language-Based Learning Disabilities and Auditory Processing Disorders
Jun 18, 2013New research centering on the electrical brain signals picked up by EEG is clarifying the relationship between auditory processing and language learning.
Underachieving Students: Why They Struggle and How Educators Can Help
Jun 11, 2013How early does environment begin to shape children into successful students or underachieving students? The answer has to do, in part, with how early babies start acquiring the skills needed to learn to read.
Dyslexia, Auditory Processing Disorder, and the Road to College: Maria’s Story
Apr 9, 2013What happens when a mother realizes that her dreams for her child may be shattered because that child struggles with auditory processing issues, dyslexia, or other challenges never imagined?
Brain Myths in Education: Making Sense of Fact vs. Fiction
Mar 12, 2013What Educators May Not Know about the Neuroscience of Learning
Nov 6, 2012How Language Immersion Helps English Language Learners Succeed in School
Jul 17, 2012The 'double whammy' for many young ELLs is that they experience poverty as well, and often do not get enough early language experience and exposure. How does early language help, and what kind of support do parents need to help their children succeed?
No-Cost Education Webinars with Michael Horn and Dr. Virginia Mann – Register Today!
May 3, 20123 Tips for Encouraging Verbal Communication in Young Learners
May 1, 2012Research shows that children from rich language environments start school with an advantage over their peers. What can parents do at home to help their children succeed?
Deliberate Practice: How to Develop Expertise
Apr 12, 2012Language and the Reading Puzzle: Morphemes and Memory
Apr 10, 2012Pages