Differentiation: Achieving Success in a Mixed-Ability Classroom

Jul 11, 2019 by Karla Wang

 Differentiation in Mixed-Abilities ClassroomsToday’s classrooms are increasingly diverse. How can educators reach every student in the class? One word: Differentiation. Read about 4 ways teachers can meet the needs of a mixed-abilities classroom.

Flipping the Classroom for Students With Learning Disabilities

Feb 11, 2014 by Norene Wiesen

For many teachers, the words “flipped classroom” are nothing more than a synonym for having students watch pre-recorded lesson videos at home and then do related assignments – formerly homework – during class time. There’s no doubt that that is exactly what the flipped classroom typically looks like on the surface. But when flip teaching is done right, what matters is that it uses time differently and more effectively, in ways that can profoundly benefit all learners, including students with learning disabilities.

"What’s in the Common Core, but Missing in Your Curriculum” webinar by Dr. Martha Burns

Jan 29, 2013 by Scott Sterling
In a recent webinar, Dr. Martha Burns discussed how the Common Core State Standards focus more on  the “process of learning” than any previous educational standards. She reviewed the importance of executive functions to higher order thinking skills and shared-- how the Scientific Learning products can help students master the skills needed to be college and career ready.

5 Trends in Education for 2013

Jan 8, 2013 by Scott Sterling
The 5 trends in education for 2013 include flipped instruction and making learning authentic with video games and social media.  What do you think education trends will look like in the coming year?

Using Twitter in School: 4 Ways Students and Teachers Can Connect With the World

Sep 27, 2012 by Scott Sterling
Are you using Twitter in the classroom with your students?  Here are some tips on how to use Twitter to connect with the world.

21st Century Learning: Preparing Students Today

Aug 28, 2012 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
In today’s schools, is keeping up with technology enough?  What other demands is the 21st century placing on learners, and how can we prepare our students to meet them?

The Flipped Classroom: A Pedagogy for Differentiating Instruction and Teaching Essential Skills

Jul 31, 2012 by Scott Sterling
What might a successful flipped classroom look like?  Read more to find out how the flipped classroom can benefit both students and teachers.

Characteristics of Rapidly Improving Schools with Bill Daggett

Jun 19, 2012 by PC Munoz
Contrary to popular opinion, schools in the US are getting better at educating students for the 21st century. Find out what the most rapidly improving schools have in common from Dr. Bill Daggett, CEO of the International Center for Leadership in Education.

So You Think You Know Something About the Brain?

Jun 7, 2012 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
It’s a sad fact that educators seeking knowledge of how the brain learns may not have access to reliable information.  Have you sorted fact from fiction?  Take this test and find out.

Disrupting K-12 Education: Innovating Learning with Michael Horn

Jun 5, 2012 by PC Munoz
The way students learn is ever changing with the constant development of innovative technology. Learn how disruptive innovation is changing 21st century K-12 education.
