Creating a New Culture of Teaching and Learning with Alan November

May 10, 2012 by PC Munoz
Educator Alan November discusses how focusing on information, collaboration, and empathy can create a new culture of learning in the classroom. More>>

No-Cost Education Webinars with Michael Horn and Dr. Virginia Mann – Register Today!

May 3, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Join us for a complimentary webinar! May presenters feature educator and author Michael Horn, and Dr. Virginia Mann, professor of Cognitive Sciences at UC Irvine. Register today!

School District Technology: Plan or Blueprint?

Jan 12, 2012 by Joseph DuLaney
Is your district maximizing its technology investments?  Learn how to create a blueprint to ensure that your technology expenditures are helping your district get timely, measurable results.

Blended Learning Implementation Strategies for the K-12 Classroom

Jan 3, 2012 by Cory Armes, M.Ed.
Learn the benefits of blended learning implementation strategies, as well as how you can implement these blended learning strategies in the K-12 classroom.

Bringing Learning to Life in the Classroom: Technology for 21st Century Schools

Dec 22, 2011 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
On the cutting edge in education, 3D immersive technologies are transforming the classroom learning experience.  How do students benefit from 3D tools, and what do they mean for the future?

Facebook in Schools: Tool or Taboo?

Dec 1, 2011 by Joseph DuLaney
Should Facebook be allowed in the classroom or should it be banned?  Can it be used to contribute to classroom discussion, or is it a distraction that takes up precious time?

Introducing the Eddy’s Number Party! Game – the First iPad App from Scientific Learning

Oct 17, 2011 by Erin Ellinwood
Designed in collaboration with leading scientists and educational experts, the Eddy’s Number Party! game develops early math skills while improving memory and attention.  Try it today!

Neural Prostheses: The Melding of Hardware, Software and Wetware

Sep 20, 2011 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Learn how hardware, software, and wetware work together to create truly remarkable devices known as prosthetic systems.

A Gymnast, a Cursor and a Monkey Named Aurora

May 17, 2011 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Read how brain plasticity and current advances in technology have the ability to change the way we live.

Opening the Classroom Through Online Collaboration: 21st Century Learning Environments

Mar 29, 2011 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
Read real-life stories of online collaboration in our classrooms and find resources that can help you create a 21 stcentury learning environment.
