Differentiation: Achieving Success in a Mixed-Ability Classroom

Jul 11, 2019 by Karla Wang

 Differentiation in Mixed-Abilities ClassroomsToday’s classrooms are increasingly diverse. How can educators reach every student in the class? One word: Differentiation. Read about 4 ways teachers can meet the needs of a mixed-abilities classroom.

The Mirror Neuron System

Feb 21, 2012 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
Did you know that there’s a part of the brain devoted to “doing” that starts wiring itself early in development through imitation of the movements and sounds of others? Find out how it works, and the role it plays in early learning.

What Does The Marshmallow Experiment Tell Us About Self-Control?

Jan 24, 2012 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Tell a four-year-old that she can eat one marshmallow now or wait 15 minutes and eat two. What does the child’s self-control, or lack of, tell us about her likelihood of future success?  Read>>

Separating Brain Fact from Brain Fiction: Debunking a Few Neuroscience Myths

Sep 1, 2011 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Is it true that we only use 10% of our brains? Find out here, and read more myths about neuroscience and the brain.

Connecting the Dots Between Infant Temperament and Future Success

Aug 18, 2011 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

 Infant temperament has long been thought of as innate, but could some aspects be environmental? Read more from Dr. Martha Burns.

Left vs. Right: What Your Brain Hemispheres Are Really Up To

Jul 12, 2011 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
Is the right side of your brain really more creative?  Read about right brain vs. left brain research and how views have changed since early studies.

How Learning and Literacy Enhance Our Brains

Jun 30, 2011 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Learning to read pays lifelong dividends, and when educators understand how literacy enhances the brain, they can make more informed instructional decisions. Learn more...

Tapping the Source: Finding and Using the Innate Student Passion for Learning

Jun 16, 2011 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
Looking for a way to harness innate student passion to create an optimal learning experience? Try these tips from thought-leader Mark Prensky!

Individualizing Instruction Through Understanding Different Types of Learners

Jun 14, 2011 by Terri Zezula
Can individualized instruction for different types of learners improve a student’s learning experience in the classroom?

The Inspirational—Remarkably Human—Child Prodigy

Oct 21, 2010 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
Child prodigies have amazing gifts and talents at young ages, so why do they only rarely grow up to be adult geniuses?
