Explore the Power of Play: Attend the Ultimate Block Party in NYC this Sunday, 10/03/10

Sep 30, 2010 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

Explore the power of play at the Ultimate Block Party on 10/03/10 in NYC’s Central Park.  This event is for children of all ages and  emphasizes the importance of play in everyday life.

Register Today for our Fall Webinar Series!

Sep 16, 2010 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Alan November, Eric Jensen and Bill Daggett will be joining Scientific Learning for the fall webinar series starting this month.  The webinar series is designed to share the latest information and developments in educational technology and neuroscience.

Teaching and Learning with Intent through Guided Reading Activities

Sep 7, 2010 by Terri Zezula
Guided reading activities offer wonderful structures for bringing students and their teachers together, and engaging both in the teaching and learning process.

Building Unstructured Play Into the Structure of Each Day

Aug 20, 2010 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
Even with the understanding of the importance of unstructured play for healthy development, we find it challenging--both as parents and educators--to make that time. But we can and we must, so here are a few ideas just to get you started.

What Every Parent Should Know About Their Baby’s Developing Brain (Part 1)

Aug 4, 2010 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
So here you are! In front of you is a newborn, a tiny miracle. What do you do?  Does it matter how you hold it, feed it, talk it, attend to it?  The short answer is “yes”…

Teaching Children to Read

Jul 6, 2010 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Teachers today are fortunate to have access to a wealth of scientifically based research into what works when teaching children to read.  Learn what works for different age groups.

Brain Research, Learning & Literacy: Webinar with Dr. Bill Jenkins

May 28, 2010 by Norene Wiesen

What happens in the brain when we learn language?  Be sure to take advantage of this unusual opportunity to learn from a brain plasticity expert via pre-recorded webinar.

The Brain Gets Better at What it Does: Dr. Martha Burns on Brain Plasticity

May 21, 2010 by Norene Wiesen

Dr. Martha Burns is an extremely knowledgeable and highly sought after speaker, so I'm pleased to let you know that an interview she gave on brain plasticity while in Australia is now available online.

In a Rut? Give Your Brain a Workout

May 20, 2010 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.

When was the last time you got stuck—I mean really STUCK—on a problem? Instead of being able to bring your mental muscles to bear on the challenge, did your mind feel tired or fatigued or just plain empty?

Announcing Our Spring Webinar Series--Register today!

Apr 27, 2010 by Denise Ruvalcaba

Register for any or all of our Spring brain fitness webinars.  Learn how to help struggling students succeed, get strategies for teaching phonics and fluency, and more!
