Listen: Don’t Ignore the Benefits of Music on the Brain
Nov 4, 2010Adolescence: What’s the Brain Got to Do with It?
Sep 21, 2010Register Today for our Fall Webinar Series!
Sep 16, 2010You Unplugged: Finding Balance with Extended Reading, Writing and Thinking Time
Sep 9, 2010Dr. Bill Jenkins discusses how the constant use of the internet affects how our brains and how time “unplugged” from the internet can help our brains learn and focus better.
Musical Training and Cognitive Abilities
Aug 5, 2010The debate over musical training and its benefits for the development of early cognitive abilities have raged now for almost two decades. Can classical music transform children into smarter, more effective learners?
Video Interview from Brain Summit in Seoul 2010
Jul 30, 2010I gave two lectures at the "Brain Summit in Seoul 2010" that focused on brain based approaches for learning English. This interview was conducted by the local Seoul newspaper and posted to their web site as part of their coverage of the Brain Summit.
Brain Research, Learning & Literacy: Webinar with Dr. Bill Jenkins
May 28, 2010What happens in the brain when we learn language? Be sure to take advantage of this unusual opportunity to learn from a brain plasticity expert via pre-recorded webinar.
The Brain Gets Better at What it Does: Dr. Martha Burns on Brain Plasticity
May 21, 2010Dr. Martha Burns is an extremely knowledgeable and highly sought after speaker, so I'm pleased to let you know that an interview she gave on brain plasticity while in Australia is now available online.
In a Rut? Give Your Brain a Workout
May 20, 2010When was the last time you got stuck—I mean really STUCK—on a problem? Instead of being able to bring your mental muscles to bear on the challenge, did your mind feel tired or fatigued or just plain empty?
Brain Fitness Is Not A Game
Apr 30, 2010The conclusion of the BBC brain training study is baffling. Were the tasks adaptive, motivating, and practiced with intensity and frequency? Was there cross-training of skills? Learn what brain training is and what it is not...