Eric Jensen Links New Brain Research With Teaching in New Webinar

Oct 23, 2012 by Scott Sterling
In a recent webinar for Scientific Learning Corporation, author Eric Jensen summarized current research about the brain and strategies that could be implemented in the classroom with all students.

How to Re-Wire your Burned-Out Brain

Oct 16, 2012 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
Feeling burned out?  Check out these tips from Dr. Martha S. Burns on how to motivate you and your brain again.

Join Us for Our 2012 Fall Webinar Series for Educators

Sep 4, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Our fall webinars begin this week and include topics on how the brain learns and how to increase student achievement.  Register today!

Preventing Summer Brain Drain with Dr. Martha S. Burns

May 29, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

The stronger the pathways in the brain, the easier it becomes for a child to learn and retain information. How will your child stay sharp over the summer?

Free Webinars on Brain Health and the Science of Learning – Register Today!

May 17, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Summary: Join us in June for two live webinars: brain health with Dr. Paul Nussbaum and the science of learning with Dr. Martha S. Burns. Register today – you don’t want to miss these sessions!

Deliberate Practice: How to Develop Expertise

Apr 12, 2012 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Does the myth of ‘practice makes perfect’ hold true? Only if that practice is done in the right way.  Learn about the important role that intention and focus play in developing expertise.

The Truth About Video Games and the Brain: What Research Tells Us

Feb 9, 2012 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.

Are there beneficial effects of video games? Learn what current research tells us about video games and the brain.

Poverty in American Schools: What Educators Can Do

Jan 17, 2012 by Norene Wiesen
Children from poverty often struggle in school.  Our free on-demand webinar by Eric Jensen, author of Teaching With Poverty in Mind, gives tips for helping all students succeed.

Using the Power of Optimal Timing to Improve the Brain’s Ability to Learn

Dec 13, 2011 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Providing the brain with the right feedback at the right time can make a huge impact on learning.  Find out how the brain responds to different time scales in the classroom.

Modeling Healthy Choices: Three Habits for Optimal Brain Health

Nov 10, 2011 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Optimal brain health is influenced by the small choices we make every day. Follow these 3 easy steps to help your brain stay healthy.
