Join Dr. Martha Burns and Sherrelle Walker for a Virtual Brain Fitness Seminar

Feb 24, 2011 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Virtual Brain Fitness Seminars are online sessions focused on helping schools close the achievement gap. Join Dr. Martha Burns and Sherrelle Walker for a complimentary session!

The Speech and Language Connection: The Nursery Rhyme Effect (Part 1)

Nov 16, 2010 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
In the development of speech and language in young toddlers, nursery rhymes play an important role by helping children to master language.

Brain Plasticity: A New Frontier For Education and Learning

Nov 11, 2010 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

In the book, The Brain That Changes Itself,  Dr. Norman Doidge reveals a fascinating look at the brain and how it can re-wire itself through the lifespan by the concept of Brain Plasticity.

What Every Parent Should Know About Their Baby’s Developing Brain (Part 2)

Oct 28, 2010 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
The stimulation in the world around the infant sets up the experiences that the brain uses to wire itself for later learning.  How can parents help babies prepare for the “listening” demands of school?

Dyslexic Learners Dramatically Improve Reading Skills with Fast ForWord

Oct 12, 2010 by Barbara Calhoun, Ph.D
In a study by Nadine Gaab and her colleagues, dyslexic learners who used Fast ForWord products for remediation improved their reading skills by focusing on improving rapid auditory processing and oral language skills.

Early Learning Success Leads to a Leg Up in Life

Oct 7, 2010 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Early learning experiences such as kindergarten and preschool education pay off for kids.  Children who participate in a preschool program are more likely to graduate from high school and college. 

Adolescence: What’s the Brain Got to Do with It?

Sep 21, 2010 by Sherry Francis, Ed.D
Dr. Sherry Francis provides a glimpse into the world of the adolescent brain and explains what is happening for the typical teenager during these critical  years.

You Unplugged: Finding Balance with Extended Reading, Writing and Thinking Time

Sep 9, 2010 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.

Dr. Bill Jenkins discusses how the constant use of the internet affects how our brains and how time “unplugged” from the internet can help our brains learn and focus better.

What Every Parent Should Know About Their Baby’s Developing Brain (Part 1)

Aug 4, 2010 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
So here you are! In front of you is a newborn, a tiny miracle. What do you do?  Does it matter how you hold it, feed it, talk it, attend to it?  The short answer is “yes”…

Video Interview from Brain Summit in Seoul 2010

Jul 30, 2010 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.

I gave two lectures at the "Brain Summit in Seoul 2010" that focused on brain based approaches for learning English.  This interview was conducted by the local Seoul newspaper and posted to their web site as part of their coverage of the Brain Summit.
