Language and the Reading Puzzle: Morphemes and Memory

Apr 10, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
How do morpheme awareness and working memory skills help emerging readers attain fluency? Cognitive scientist Dr. Virginia Mann breaks it down for us in “The Language and Reading Puzzle Part 2.”

5 Strategies for Fluency and Comprehension That Every Reader Can Use

Mar 22, 2012 by Wendy Mathieu

Students should be able to engage in a variety of different texts to be considered fluent and competent readers. These fluency and comprehension strategies will give students an edge in approaching any kind of text.

Building Fluent Readers: How Oral Reading Practice Helps Reading Comprehension

Oct 25, 2011 by Cory Armes, M.Ed.

Reading comprehension skills go hand-in-hand with reading fluency.  Learn more about how the two are related, and find out how to help students develop reading comprehension skills by becoming more fluent readers.

Inspiring Fluency: One School’s Journey to Improve Reading Skills

Jul 21, 2011 by Jacqueline Egli

Reading fluency is one of five core reading skills and plays a key role in reading development. Learn how one school improved reading skills with Reading Assistant software.

The Essential Nature of Developing Oral Reading Fluency

Jun 7, 2011 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Current research shows oral reading fluency is a strong predictor of reading comprehension skills. Learn how  to develop and improve oral reading fluency with these fun activities.

5 Insights from our Recent Brain Fitness Webinars

Jan 6, 2011 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Five memorable insights from our 2010 Brain Fitness Webinars series, addressing  the brain, reading, and student learning in today’s world.

What Makes Superman So Great? Closing the Achievement Gap

Dec 14, 2010 by Terri Zezula
Reducing the achievement gap at St. Mary Parish Public Schools was a natural result of district-wide success with Fast ForWord® and Reading Assistant™ products

Teaching Children to Read

Jul 6, 2010 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Teachers today are fortunate to have access to a wealth of scientifically based research into what works when teaching children to read.  Learn what works for different age groups.

Announcing Our Spring Webinar Series--Register today!

Apr 27, 2010 by Denise Ruvalcaba

Register for any or all of our Spring brain fitness webinars.  Learn how to help struggling students succeed, get strategies for teaching phonics and fluency, and more!
