Considering the Consequences: The Development of Childhood Decision-Making
Jan 27, 2011
How do children approach the sometimes daunting task of making good decisions in school and in life? How can we as educators help?
Ok, so you made a mistake. But look what you learned!
Jan 26, 2011
Making mistakes is an important part of learning. How can we create a classroom culture that encourages students to view mistakes as learning opportunities?
10 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress
Dec 23, 2010
Holidays getting you down? Here are 10 ideas from the Mayo Clinic for reducing holiday stress and enjoying yourself more.
Beating Bullying for Better Learning
Dec 16, 2010
Beating bullying and keeping our schools safe for all students can dramatically impact the lives and quality of education for students.
Adolescence: What’s the Brain Got to Do with It?
Sep 21, 2010
Dr. Sherry Francis provides a glimpse into the world of the adolescent brain and explains what is happening for the typical teenager during these critical years.
You Unplugged: Finding Balance with Extended Reading, Writing and Thinking Time
Sep 9, 2010Dr. Bill Jenkins discusses how the constant use of the internet affects how our brains and how time “unplugged” from the internet can help our brains learn and focus better.
The Imperative of Cultivating Healthy Adolescent Sleep Habits
Jul 8, 2010
When we talk to adolescents, we tend to focus our coaching on coping with the big dangers like drugs, alcohol and sex. But when was the last time you talked to the teen in your life about healthy sleep habits?
Traveling with a Toddler
Jun 8, 2010
No matter how hard you try, a trip is a major break in your child’s normal routine. To avoid a cascading cycle of frustration and irritability, try switching gears...
Announcing Our Spring Webinar Series--Register today!
Apr 27, 2010Register for any or all of our Spring brain fitness webinars. Learn how to help struggling students succeed, get strategies for teaching phonics and fluency, and more!