Where is Superman?

Dec 7, 2010 by Terri Zezula

After just weeks of working on Fast ForWord products, high school student Kenny Hilliard is finally reading on grade level and headed for Louisiana State University on a football scholarship.  Why continue waiting for Superman when you can get results like these now?

A Sluggish Economy’s Drag on a Generation’s Ability to Perform and Achieve

Dec 2, 2010 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
The effects of the challenged economy could negatively affect young children’s ability to achieve for years to come.

Dyslexic Learners Dramatically Improve Reading Skills with Fast ForWord

Oct 12, 2010 by Barbara Calhoun, Ph.D
In a study by Nadine Gaab and her colleagues, dyslexic learners who used Fast ForWord products for remediation improved their reading skills by focusing on improving rapid auditory processing and oral language skills.

Over 45% Relative Improvement in Students Reaching Proficiency

Aug 18, 2010 by Melissa Agocs

In four years, the percent of fourth graders in the district performing at or above Basic on the initial LEAP ELA test increased impressively from 53% to 78%, starting out far below the state average and then exceeding it.

The Imperative of Cultivating Healthy Adolescent Sleep Habits

Jul 8, 2010 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
When we talk to adolescents, we tend to focus our coaching on coping with the big dangers like drugs, alcohol and sex. But when was the last time you talked to the teen in your life about healthy sleep habits?

School Improvement Grant - Intervention for Failing Schools

Jun 29, 2010 by Joseph Noble, Ph.D

“What is the School Improvement Grant?  How much money is available?  Who is eligible to apply?”  Find out what you need to know.

Can Scientific Learning Programs Improve School Test Scores?

Jun 2, 2010 by Norene Wiesen

Can Fast ForWord® and Reading Assistant™ products improve school test scores?  Do they help students learn and succeed?  Are they evidence-based?

Announcing Our Spring Webinar Series--Register today!

Apr 27, 2010 by Denise Ruvalcaba

Register for any or all of our Spring brain fitness webinars.  Learn how to help struggling students succeed, get strategies for teaching phonics and fluency, and more!

The 30 Million Word Gap in Language Experience Puts Kids At Risk

Jan 14, 2010 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.

The achievement gap begins for many students before they enter the Kindergarten classroom. Children aren´t born with a vocabulary, yet educators and reading researchers have long identified the differences in word knowledge and vocabulary as key indicators of student readiness. Here are a couple of key findings:
