Teaching Inference as a Reading Strategy: The What, the How, and the Why

Sep 3, 2013 by Maura Deptula

Students must connect with more than the mechanics of reading. They must approach texts like detectives and find the meaning that lies behind the words that they read.

Student Engagement Strategies That Can Help Your Learners Read Better

May 28, 2013 by Maura Deptula
With limited instructional time and the added pressures of today’s classrooms, what should we be doing to ensure every student leaves the classroom able to read better than they did when they arrived?

Daily Reading Practice: More Important Than You Would Ever Imagine

Mar 5, 2013 by Maura Deptula
Daily reading practice in our classrooms is essential for students who do not read regularly at home. Find out what a difference just 10 minutes of modeled reading can make.