4 Little-Known Facts about Poverty and the Brain (And What Educators Can Do about Them)
Sep 18, 2019Many educators at Title 1 schools are increasingly implementing brain-based teaching and learning. What do Title 1 educators need to know about the impact of poverty on the brain? More importantly, how should school leaders apply brain-based learning to teaching? Keep reading to learn 4 little-known facts about poverty and the brain, plus 3 specific strategies educators can use in their Title 1 schools.
Differentiation: Achieving Success in a Mixed-Ability Classroom
Jul 11, 2019 Today’s classrooms are increasingly diverse. How can educators reach every student in the class? One word: Differentiation. Read about 4 ways teachers can meet the needs of a mixed-abilities classroom.
A College Senior Mailed Us a Letter
Oct 25, 2018Caleb starts out by telling us about the worst semester of his academic career.
Why Silent Reading Doesn’t Work for Struggling Readers
Aug 9, 2017Consider what's happening during silent reading time in your classroom, when readers below-grade-level are silently looking at a book. They may appear to be benefiting from this, but the National Reading Panel's research shows otherwise. If silent reading doesn't work, what does? Check out the 5 recommendations here.
Implicit vs. Explicit Instruction: Which is Better for Word Learning?
Jun 28, 2017Do students learn better when instructors clearly outline learning goals (explicit instruction), or when students explore concepts independently (implicit instruction)?
Watch From Anywhere: Summer Professional Development
Jul 12, 2016Make the most of summer by watching some of our most popular webinars to date on topics such as poverty, auditory processing, dyslexia and more. These can be viewed from anywhere so pull out your laptop, tablet or smartphone. Enjoy!
3 New Research Findings on Fast ForWord
May 17, 2016Fast ForWord is one of the most researched reading interventions ever created, but what are researchers saying about it lately? Here are three takeaways (translated from neuroscience-speak into terms you can understand) that have practical application for those interested in improving skills for those with dyslexia, auditory processing, language and reading issues.
3 Tips For Your Reluctant Reader This Summer
Apr 28, 2015Summer is almost here! What will you do to help your reluctant reader over the next few months? Take a look at these 3 practical ideas.
Fast ForWord® at Home Scholarship
Oct 28, 2014Do you have a struggling reader at home, or know someone who does? For the first time, BrainPro is offering a scholarship for Fast ForWord. The recipient will be able to work on the Fast ForWord exercises free of charge for 4 months, with support from a trained BrainPro consultant.
Dyslexia Legislation is on the Rise. But Why?
Oct 23, 2014In the past few years, more than a dozen states have passed or proposed new laws to raise awareness about dyslexia through increased screening, intervention programs, and teacher training. What’s behind the surge in legislation?