Teaching Reading in Science Class: A Common Core Trend?

Oct 30, 2012 by Scott Sterling
With the trend of non-fiction material on statewide reading assessments growing, administrators have begun asking teachers in subjects other than English Language Arts (ELA) to start incorporating more reading and writing tasks in their courses. 

Opening the Classroom Through Online Collaboration: 21st Century Learning Environments

Mar 29, 2011 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
Read real-life stories of online collaboration in our classrooms and find resources that can help you create a 21 stcentury learning environment.

What Makes Superman So Great? Closing the Achievement Gap

Dec 14, 2010 by Terri Zezula
Reducing the achievement gap at St. Mary Parish Public Schools was a natural result of district-wide success with Fast ForWord® and Reading Assistant™ products

Video Games: A New Perspective on Learning Content and Skills

Jul 22, 2010 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
Today’s digital native students want the interactivity that they experience outside of school—and that includes playing video games for learning. But can they really game their way to new skills?

Can Scientific Learning Programs Improve School Test Scores?

Jun 2, 2010 by Norene Wiesen

Can Fast ForWord® and Reading Assistant™ products improve school test scores?  Do they help students learn and succeed?  Are they evidence-based?