2019 Update on Dyslexia Research

Oct 10, 2019 by Amy Takabori

DyslexiaThis week, to honor Dyslexia Awareness Month, neuroscientist and professor at Northwestern University Dr. Martha Burns presented our 5th annual webinar on updates to dyslexia research. Here are highlights from just two of the 2019 articles that Dr. Burns covered.

When Test Scores Go Up, Do Cognitive Skills Increase?

Dec 2, 2014 by Norene Wiesen

The amount of attention schools devote to improving standardized test scores is controversial. A new study by John Gabrieli at MIT is shedding some light on what’s not being measured. The results are food for thought.

Building Better Writers (Without Picking Up a Pen)

Oct 15, 2013 by Beth Rogowsky, Ed.D

All too often, teachers give little attention to the cognitive skills of writing. That’s a shame, because cognitive skills are the building blocks upon which writing depends.

Overcoming Language and Reading Problems: The Promise of Brain Plasticity

Sep 11, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Find out how children around the world are rewiring their brains to overcome 'insurmountable' language and reading problems.

Auditory Processing Skills and Reading Disorders in Children

May 14, 2013 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

It’s not exactly news that there’s a relationship between auditory processing and reading disorders, but mounting evidence points to a “highly significant” correlation.

Free Webinars on Brain Health and the Science of Learning – Register Today!

May 17, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Summary: Join us in June for two live webinars: brain health with Dr. Paul Nussbaum and the science of learning with Dr. Martha S. Burns. Register today – you don’t want to miss these sessions!

Using the Power of Optimal Timing to Improve the Brain’s Ability to Learn

Dec 13, 2011 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Providing the brain with the right feedback at the right time can make a huge impact on learning.  Find out how the brain responds to different time scales in the classroom.

Improving Auditory Processing in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Sep 8, 2011 by Barbara Calhoun, Ph.D

A recent study by Nicole Russo and her team at Northwestern University demonstrates that directed auditory training using Fast ForWord software shows great promise for improving auditory processing in children with ASD.   Learn more >

2011 Virtual Circle of Learning Customer Conference

Aug 25, 2011 by Pam Combs
Scientific Learning customers, get ready for the 2011 Virtual Circle of Learning! Learn the latest about education & brain research, get best practices, & network with others users via social media. Join us!

Dyscalculia: What to Do When Your Child is “Number Blind”

Jun 23, 2011 by Cory Armes, M.Ed.

What is dyscalculia? Learn the signs of “number blindness” and discover the steps you can take to help your child achieve academic success.
