Inside the Brain of a Struggling Reader [Infographic]

Sep 16, 2014 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

When a child struggles to read, we look to factors such as socioeconomic status or access to books. But brain differences are also part of the equation and should not be overlooked.

How The Arts Can Help Students Excel

Dec 11, 2012 by Jessica Velasco
In recent years, the arts in education have been seen as a less valuable piece of the curriculum. Are we hurting our students by not exposing them to the arts?  Read how arts education actually correlates to higher student achievement.

Deliberate Practice: How to Develop Expertise

Apr 12, 2012 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Does the myth of ‘practice makes perfect’ hold true? Only if that practice is done in the right way.  Learn about the important role that intention and focus play in developing expertise.

The Mirror Neuron System

Feb 21, 2012 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
Did you know that there’s a part of the brain devoted to “doing” that starts wiring itself early in development through imitation of the movements and sounds of others? Find out how it works, and the role it plays in early learning.

Left vs. Right: What Your Brain Hemispheres Are Really Up To

Jul 12, 2011 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
Is the right side of your brain really more creative?  Read about right brain vs. left brain research and how views have changed since early studies.

5 Paths To Brain Health: Tips From Dr. Paul Nussbaum

Jul 5, 2011 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

These brain health tips from clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Paul Nussbaum can help you keep your brain fit and healthy throughout your lifetime.

Antidotes to Summer Brain Drain (Part 2): 5 Ways to Pull the Plug on Learning Loss

May 5, 2011 by Norene Wiesen

Worried about summer brain drain? Here are 5 ways to keep your child on track AND enjoy the summer.

4 Ways to Celebrate Brain Awareness Week 2011

Mar 14, 2011 by Carrie Gajowski, MA
Brain Awareness Week 2011 is here, and it’s the perfect opportunity to learn more about the brain and how the brain learns!  Here are 4 great ways to celebrate Brain Awareness Week both in the classroom and out.

Listen: Don’t Ignore the Benefits of Music on the Brain

Nov 4, 2010 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Music training has been shown to improve cognitive skills, auditory skills, and pattern recognition and thus has the potential to impact student achievement. The benefits of music in schools should be carefully weighed as we evaluate its place in the school day.

Musical Training and Cognitive Abilities

Aug 5, 2010 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.

The debate over musical training and its benefits for the development of early cognitive abilities have raged now for almost two decades. Can classical music transform children into smarter, more effective learners?