Right vs. Left Brained + Autism, APD, ADHD Neuroscience and More

Feb 4, 2014 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

Our annual Visionary Conference for clinical providers takes place February 21-22, and like last year, the conference is open to anyone interested in attending. Get all the info on speakers and sessions here!

Remediation vs. Accommodation: Helping Students with Learning Disabilities Succeed

Jan 28, 2014 by Norene Wiesen

Meeting the needs of students with learning disabilities can be a challenge. Students newly identified with a learning disability are likely to need immediate accommodation. But for maximum long-term benefit, educators need to address the learning difficulty at its core. How do we strike the right balance between remediation and accommodation?

What the Common Core Standards Mean for Special Education Students

Jan 21, 2014 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

The Common Core standards are considered challenging for general education learners - and they’re meant to be. But given that challenge, many educators wonder what it means to hold special education students to the same standards. How are educators expected to get underperforming students to proficiency?

Auditory Processing Disorder Interventions: How Do They Work?

Nov 5, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Auditory processing disorders can be traced to specific regions of the brain, especially regions of the brainstem. Find out how targeted auditory processing disorder interventions result in better listening skills and improved brainstem response to speech.

Why Auditory Processing Disorders Are Hard to Spot

Oct 29, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Your most struggling student just isn’t listening – again. But could there be more to it? Auditory processing disorders can look a lot like inattention, and it’s not easy to tell the difference. Why is it so hard to figure out what’s going on?

The Neuroplasticity Revolution With Dr. Norman Doidge

Oct 8, 2013 by Norene Wiesen

Norman Doidge, M.D., discusses why the concept of brain plasticity—the brain’s ability to grow and change in structure and function in response to experience—is “the most important change in our understanding of the brain in 400 years.”

June 2013 Office Hours With Dr. Martha Burns: Which Product Should You Assign?

Jun 25, 2013 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP
When is it appropriate to use each of the different products—Fast ForWord Language v2 versus Fast ForWord Literacy versus Fast ForWord Reading Level 1-5—and/or the Reading Assistant program?

Language-Based Learning Disabilities and Auditory Processing Disorders

Jun 18, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

New research centering on the electrical brain signals picked up by EEG is clarifying the relationship between auditory processing and language learning.

Auditory Processing Skills and Reading Disorders in Children

May 14, 2013 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

It’s not exactly news that there’s a relationship between auditory processing and reading disorders, but mounting evidence points to a “highly significant” correlation.

Response to Intervention and Special Ed Stats: Progress Report

May 7, 2013 by Norene Wiesen
Very few learners who enter special ed ever exit—only about 3%. The Response to Intervention model seeks to change that statistic. How has it performed so far?
