Differentiation: Achieving Success in a Mixed-Ability Classroom

Jul 11, 2019 by Karla Wang

 Differentiation in Mixed-Abilities ClassroomsToday’s classrooms are increasingly diverse. How can educators reach every student in the class? One word: Differentiation. Read about 4 ways teachers can meet the needs of a mixed-abilities classroom.

Get Outside, It’s Good For Your Brain

Jun 14, 2016 by Kristina Birdsong

cognitive benefitsAre your students more connected to technology than the great outdoors?  Read on to find out why nature provides its own benefits and why playing outdoors is so important.

Does Being Bilingual Make You Smarter?

Nov 17, 2015 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

November is Bilingual Education Awareness Month!
Ever wondered what age is best to learn a new language? Or whether bilinguals "think" in both languages simultaneously? Discover how bilingualism improves executive function, what the latest research is on the critical period for language learning, and whether learning a new language raises IQ. 

When Test Scores Go Up, Do Cognitive Skills Increase?

Dec 2, 2014 by Norene Wiesen

The amount of attention schools devote to improving standardized test scores is controversial. A new study by John Gabrieli at MIT is shedding some light on what’s not being measured. The results are food for thought.

Brain Myths in Education: Making Sense of Fact vs. Fiction

Mar 12, 2013 by Norene Wiesen
Some “brain myths” that have found their way into education are right on target, while others are outright wrong. Can you tell the difference?

Human Intelligence and the Brain: Mapping Intellectual Ability

Jul 24, 2012 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.
Have you ever wondered what structures or areas in your brain allow you to understand language? Read books? Appreciate music? Find out what today’s researchers are discovering as they work to map intelligence in the brain.

What Makes a Good Reader?

Jul 3, 2012 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

Why is it that some children learn to read faster than other children, and what foundational skills can be strengthened to improve a child’s ability to read?

The Inspirational—Remarkably Human—Child Prodigy

Oct 21, 2010 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
Child prodigies have amazing gifts and talents at young ages, so why do they only rarely grow up to be adult geniuses?

The Brain Gets Better at What it Does: Dr. Martha Burns on Brain Plasticity

May 21, 2010 by Norene Wiesen

Dr. Martha Burns is an extremely knowledgeable and highly sought after speaker, so I'm pleased to let you know that an interview she gave on brain plasticity while in Australia is now available online.

How to Motivate Students: The Psychology of Success

May 7, 2010 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.

How can educators best motivate students to learn?  Stimulate their brains on a neurobiological level to optimize each student’s internal learning environment!  Learn more...
