The Role of Literacy in Deeper Learning

Dec 9, 2014 by Norene Wiesen

Deeper LearningStudents with stronger literacy skills will be better able to self-direct, relying less on their teachers and more on the resources available to them. This autonomy is especially important in Deeper Learning.

Instilling a Love of Reading: What Every Teacher and Parent Should Know

Mar 27, 2013 by Jacqueline Egli
Children who do not read well will not be inspired to read or to practice reading more. So, how do we get our reluctant readers to love reading?

Adolescent Learning: Why Reading Interventions Aren't Working

Feb 26, 2013 by Cara Gipson
Adolescents have flatlined in reading in the US, while younger learners have improved. Find out what can be done in this recorded webinar with Dr. Martha Burns.

5 Trends in Education for 2013

Jan 8, 2013 by Scott Sterling
The 5 trends in education for 2013 include flipped instruction and making learning authentic with video games and social media.  What do you think education trends will look like in the coming year?

Preventing Summer Brain Drain with Dr. Martha S. Burns

May 29, 2012 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

The stronger the pathways in the brain, the easier it becomes for a child to learn and retain information. How will your child stay sharp over the summer?

2011 Virtual Circle of Learning Wrap-Up

Nov 8, 2011 by Pam Combs

Catch the 2011 Virtual Circle of Learning highlights, and learn how you can increase student engagement and motivation with these helpful resources.

60% of Middle and High School Learners Exceed FCAT Annual Learning Gain Expectations

Oct 18, 2011 by Melissa Agocs

Middle and high school learners in Ocala, FL, significantly exceed FCAT annual learning gain expectations after using Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant software.

My Son Announced He Was Dropping Out of High School: Mary’s Story

Sep 15, 2011 by Norene Wiesen
A veteran educator was shocked when her son announced he was dropping out of high school.  But after the Fast ForWord program, he tested a year above grade level in reading and was back in school. Watch >> 

Leigh Ann’s Story: Making a Difference in Children’s Lives

Aug 4, 2011 by Norene Wiesen
VIDEO: BrainPro Representative Leigh Ann shares some of the success stories that make her so passionate about being a Scientific Learning employee.

Students who Struggle in the Mainstream: What their Homework Patterns May Tell You

Aug 2, 2011 by Jacqueline Egli
Do your child’s homework patterns reveal hidden learning deficits? Improving reading fluency can improve student achievement for struggling learners across multiple subjects.
