Child Development Versus Standards-Driven Learning: Who Wins?

Dec 3, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
There’s a tug of war going on in American schools, a tension between learners’ developmental needs and the academic rigor required to meet challenging educational standards. In the classroom, where standardized assessments are the driving force of the day, the developmental realities of learners are often overlooked and shortchanged—and it’s something we ought to be talking about.

Stress and the Human Brain

May 31, 2012 by Paul Nussbaum
Why is it harder to learn and remember things when we’re stressed?  Discover the brain physiology of stress, and find out how to calm your brain for better cognitive functioning.

The Need for Physically Active Learning

Jul 7, 2011 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
Have you heard of “physically active learning”?  Find out how this new model integrating physical activity into classroom lessons can improve cognitive skills.

5 Paths To Brain Health: Tips From Dr. Paul Nussbaum

Jul 5, 2011 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

These brain health tips from clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Paul Nussbaum can help you keep your brain fit and healthy throughout your lifetime.

Limiting Young Children’s Screen Time for Long-Term Health

Jun 1, 2011 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
Limiting screen time is important for your child’s long term health. Learn ways to monitor screen time and enjoy more free time with your child.

Antidotes to Summer Brain Drain (Part 2): 5 Ways to Pull the Plug on Learning Loss

May 5, 2011 by Norene Wiesen

Worried about summer brain drain? Here are 5 ways to keep your child on track AND enjoy the summer.

Explore the Power of Play: Attend the Ultimate Block Party in NYC this Sunday, 10/03/10

Sep 30, 2010 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

Explore the power of play at the Ultimate Block Party on 10/03/10 in NYC’s Central Park.  This event is for children of all ages and  emphasizes the importance of play in everyday life.

Fit Bodies Make Fit Brains: Physical Exercise and Brain Cells

Sep 23, 2010 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A.
Sherrelle Walker discusses why physical exercise is important for both a healthy body and a fit brain.  She explains how exercise can help students stay more alert and attentive in the classroom.