Why Dr. Timothy Rasinski Thinks Reading Fluency Should Be “Hot!”

Apr 23, 2013 by Norene Wiesen

Reading fluency is often misunderstood and undervalued by educators. Find out why boosting fluency is one of the keys to improving comprehension.

Reading and Riding: How Learning to Read is Like Learning to Ride a Bike

Apr 2, 2013 by Timothy Rasinski, Ph.D

Most learning, it seems, is facilitated by an assist, scaffold, or support provided by another. Learning to read and learning to ride a bike are no exception.   

"What’s in the Common Core, but Missing in Your Curriculum” webinar by Dr. Martha Burns

Jan 29, 2013 by Scott Sterling
In a recent webinar, Dr. Martha Burns discussed how the Common Core State Standards focus more on  the “process of learning” than any previous educational standards. She reviewed the importance of executive functions to higher order thinking skills and shared-- how the Scientific Learning products can help students master the skills needed to be college and career ready.

Learning How to Learn

Jan 15, 2013 by Martha Burns, Ph.D
What are some  strategies teachers can use related to the Common Core State Standards that ensure students learn how to learn? Read more as Dr. Martha Burns shares her story about the 3 rdgrade teacher that changed her life forever.
