Improving Reading Comprehension in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Feb 17, 2011 by Ann Osterling

Learn why reading comprehension problems are often overlooked in children with Asperger’s Syndrome, an Autism Spectrum Disorder and what can be done to improve reading comprehension skills for these learners.

Musical Training and Cognitive Abilities

Aug 5, 2010 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.

The debate over musical training and its benefits for the development of early cognitive abilities have raged now for almost two decades. Can classical music transform children into smarter, more effective learners?

Video Interview from Brain Summit in Seoul 2010

Jul 30, 2010 by Bill Jenkins, Ph.D.

I gave two lectures at the "Brain Summit in Seoul 2010" that focused on brain based approaches for learning English.  This interview was conducted by the local Seoul newspaper and posted to their web site as part of their coverage of the Brain Summit.
