6 Things Educators Need to Know about the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Aug 29, 2019 by Karla Wang

ESSAWhat does ESSA mean for educators in 2019-2020? As the new school year begins, educators may be wondering what the second year of implementing the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) will look like for their schools. Keep reading to learn 6 ways that ESSA can change education in America. 

When Test Scores Go Up, Do Cognitive Skills Increase?

Dec 2, 2014 by Norene Wiesen

The amount of attention schools devote to improving standardized test scores is controversial. A new study by John Gabrieli at MIT is shedding some light on what’s not being measured. The results are food for thought.

Assessing ELLs for Special Education: 5 Pitfalls to Avoid

Aug 19, 2014 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

Assessing ELLs for special educationWhen educating English language learners who are struggling, how do you know when it’s time for a special education referral? How can you be sure you are assessing ELLs fairly, not mixing up linguistic and cultural diversity with cognitive ability and intellectual functioning?

What the Common Core Standards Mean for Special Education Students

Jan 21, 2014 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

The Common Core standards are considered challenging for general education learners - and they’re meant to be. But given that challenge, many educators wonder what it means to hold special education students to the same standards. How are educators expected to get underperforming students to proficiency?

June 2013 Office Hours With Dr. Martha Burns: Which Product Should You Assign?

Jun 25, 2013 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP
When is it appropriate to use each of the different products—Fast ForWord Language v2 versus Fast ForWord Literacy versus Fast ForWord Reading Level 1-5—and/or the Reading Assistant program?

60% of Middle and High School Learners Exceed FCAT Annual Learning Gain Expectations

Oct 18, 2011 by Melissa Agocs

Middle and high school learners in Ocala, FL, significantly exceed FCAT annual learning gain expectations after using Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant software.

Reading in the Real World: Text Difficulty and Workplace Success

Jul 26, 2011 by Corey Fitzgerald
Are high school reading standards challenging enough? Not if we go by this Lexile scores chart that shows a significant gap between high school reading levels and college and workplace reading demands.

Students Exceed State Average on TAKS after Fast ForWord, Maintain Gains

Apr 20, 2011 by Melissa Agocs

This longitudinal study shows substantial student gains maintained by high school students in Texas years after Fast ForWord use.  Watch this video and see the life changing impact Fast ForWord has on students.

Test Scores Exceed State Average in 4 Subject Areas After Fast ForWord

Feb 15, 2011 by Andrew Ostarello

Student test scores from St. Mary Parish School District have steadily increased after Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant implementation, surpassing the state average score on the LEAP.

Data Driven Decisions: A GPS Approach

Nov 2, 2010 by Corey Fitzgerald
Assessments can help school districts and schools make data driven decisions to determine the best course for their students, just as GPS allows people to find their way in the world.
