3 New Research Findings on Fast ForWord
May 17, 2016Fast ForWord is one of the most researched reading interventions ever created, but what are researchers saying about it lately? Here are three takeaways (translated from neuroscience-speak into terms you can understand) that have practical application for those interested in improving skills for those with dyslexia, auditory processing, language and reading issues.
Poverty's Effect on Working Memory
May 3, 2016Sometimes it's easy to think a child isn't paying attention because they're being defiant, or dare we say it - "lazy"? This is usually not the case, especially for children from poverty, and it behooves us to understand better what's happening in their brains. Read Dr. Eric Jensen's poignant and timely messages about how to help students from poverty build the skillls that will break the cycle of underachievement.
Understanding Dyslexia: 5 Ways to End the Homework Struggle
Feb 9, 2016Tired of being the homework police? You might be surprised by how our guest author, Joanne Gouaux, has learned to work with her sons to make homework and family dynamics easier. Teaser: it starts with compassion.
10 Facts About How Poverty Impacts Education
Jan 26, 2016Is poverty US education's largest problem? For Poverty Awareness Month, we've compiled 10 surprising facts about how poverty affects academic success and what can be done to counteract its effects.
10 Trends in Education for 2016
Jan 12, 20162016 is here already! Learn how advances in neuroscience, social psychology, and technology combine to reshape the educational landscape in our predictions for trends in general and special education.
New Study Suggests Fidgeting Helps Students With ADHD Learn
Dec 1, 2015Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) is known to affect approximately 11% of school-aged children, and new research into ADHD indicates that fidgeting may help students learn better. Learn more about how to incorporate movement in your classroom to help your students.
5 Classroom Strategies to Address the Achievement Gap
Nov 3, 2015How can conversations help close the achievement gap? What types of conversations are most beneficial? Find out how you can implement strategies in your classroom starting today that can help boost learning for all your students.
Executive Function - The Foundation for School Readiness
Sep 29, 2015What is executive function? What skills does it include? Learn more from Grace Wardhana, our guest blog author, as she explains executive function skills and why they are important in your younger learners. She also describes some interventions that you can use with your learners to help them build these critical skills.
Brain Science and Reading Instruction
Aug 14, 2015What are the major advances in effective reading instruction? How can we use our understanding of how the brain works to help us conceptualize, implement, and monitor reading instruction?
Best of 2015 Webinars
Jul 21, 2015Summer is the perfect time for teachers to grab a little rest and relaxation before the excitement of the new school year. We hope you're taking some time to lounge by the pool! And while you're there, you can fit in some quick professional development time in just 45 minutes that can greatly impact your teaching next year. Sit back, relax, and watch a webinar (or two) to keep on top of your game over summer break.