This is Your Child's Brain on TV

Mar 22, 2016 by Kristina Birdsong

Seventy-five years after television was first introduced to American homes, we are just starting to realize its impact on learning and the brain.  But is TV the true culprit? Or is the real issue what's NOT happening during TV time? Read more about the risks of too much TV on the brain. 

5 Don’ts (and Do's!) for Brain Awareness Week

Mar 8, 2016 by Kristina Birdsong

When students understand the limitless potential of their brains, anything is possible!Brain Awareness Week  But what if you're using new information in the wrong ways? Read more to see if you're on the right track, and plan some time next week to talk with your students about the brain's fascinating ability to change for the better. 

Can We Predict Future Literacy Skills in Children?

Feb 23, 2016 by Hallie Smith, MA CCC-SLP

A new study reveals that we may be able to successfully predict literacy skills in pre-reading children, possibly even in toddlers.  Predicting literacy skillsHow could this information impact children with potential learning difficulties?  How could we help them sooner in their academic careers?

How Do ADD, Dyslexia, and Auditory Processing Disorder Overlap?

Dec 15, 2015 by Lynn Gover

Teachers may perceive learners with any of these struggles as not trying, not paying attention, or being disruptive. ADD-Dyslexia - Auditory Processing DisorderIn fact, what’s happening is that they try to pay attention but can’t follow what’s being said. Here, we summarize Dr. Martha Burns' presentation on the latest research on ADD, dyslexia and auditory processing disorder, and how they overlap in surprising ways. 

New Study Suggests Fidgeting Helps Students With ADHD Learn

Dec 1, 2015 by Cory Armes, M.Ed.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) is known to affect approximately 11% of school-aged children, ADHDand new research into ADHD indicates that fidgeting may help students learn better. Learn more about how to incorporate movement in your classroom to help your students.

5 Myths About Dyslexia

Oct 20, 2015 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

What are 5 common myths surrounding dyslexia?dyslexia facts  Dr. Martha Burns uses recent research to debunk some of the commonly held myths about this misunderstood learning disorder. 

Problems with the Human “Letter Box”: A Component of Dyslexia

Oct 6, 2015 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

It is Dyslexia Awareness Month!dyslexia Have you wondered if dyslexia is a visual or auditory issue? Turns out it's a bit of both.  Dr. Martha Burns explains the latest research on causes of dyslexia and what interventions can help.  

13 Questions About The Build English Fast Solution

Sep 15, 2015 by Carrie Gajowski, MA

As you return to school this fall, do you have an increasing number of English language learners (ELL) in your class, school or district?ELLs and Fast ForWord  During our recent webinar, "Build the ELL Brain", Dr. Martha Burns discusses how the ELL brain develops and what interventions can help with English language development.  Take a look at the questions that Dr. Burns fielded at the end of the webinar and see if you can pinpoint students that you can help this year!

Brain Science and Reading Instruction

Aug 14, 2015 by Timothy Rasinski, Ph.D. and Martha S. Burns, Ph.D.

What are the major advances in effective reading instruction?Reading Achievement How can we use our understanding of how the brain works to help us conceptualize, implement, and monitor reading instruction?

New Research Shows How to Minimize Side Effects of Chemo

Aug 4, 2015 by Martha Burns, Ph.D

What effects does chemotherapy have on learning, memory and attention?  Childhood cancer cure rates are higher than ever but what impact does chemotherapy have on student achievement? Chemotherapy and Fast ForWordFind out more about how you can help children who have undergone chemotherapy treatments and are struggling in school.  
